Saturday, July 11, 2020

My Vitamin C Had Arrived Today After Only Two Days 😀



Vitamin C is very important for my health, I believe that it protects my body from degrading because of the toxins and viruses in my body. I am also suffering from Hepatitis viruses, two of it, one was believed to be acquired when I was transfused with blood when I was just a baby and one is when I am already a dialysis patient because I am just suspecting that my center is pooling the dialyzers of both hepatitis B and C positive patients so now I do not know what will happen if I am already suffering from liver scarring already or not. It is only one of my main purpose which of course I am not sure if I would get protected from the effects of hepatitis viruses but for sure I am not getting colds anymore because of my regular vitamin C intake. I also wanted to absorb the iron from the foods that I eat and the ferrous sulfate that I also take from time to time because I needed my blood to be healthy and deliver me the oxygen that I needed since my lung capacity now had been reduced. With some small exertion I am getting breathless so I cannot afford to be anemic or at least not support my blood's ability to give oxygen to my body. I do thank God that he just made me to be not anemic anymore otherwise also I will not be able to breathe easy, I will be more weaker than I am now, and not tolerate and endure the terrible side-effects of my Parathyroid's hyperactivity. My red blood cell count is even high as well as my hemoglobin so I am never been so happier. If only it can make me stronger but right now I am just for some reason as weak as newborn puppy. So I am praying that God would make me strong again or much better take my pains away for good and let my bones heal and reduce my facial bone enlargement along with it, that will really take some divine intervention and mercy but I am still praying for it. Also, one purpose of my Vitamin C intake aside from protecting my body from viruses like colds or even the CoViD-19 and iron absorption purpose is the purpose of the possibility of cancer protection. Now I am not consuming much processed and packaged food items as I believe that aside from phosphates that the contain, the additives can really add-up to the body's breaking point until you manifest the signs of Cancer or other illnesses. It is just my opinion but it is better to take vitamin C for the same reason, it is cheap anyway than dealing with treating cancer and possibly lowering your risk of getting that expensive, hard, and dreaded disease. I also like the way make the body to quickly heal wounds so if I would ever get a cut it will just get healed fast than not taking vitamin C at all. One purpose of mine is that it keeps my skin from getting dark because most dialysis patients have a dark complexion particularly those that are at dialysis for a while. So I can never take this wonder vitamin that has been proven to protect the body's cells from oxygen damage which actually is like a drug if you will just look at another prospective. It is relatively cheap so it is easier to acquire even though I resorted in buying it online because of the lack of availability in the pharmacies. Plus the fact that it gives me confidence in having a protection against certain viruses really cannot be discounted. I just recommend for everybody to take it from children to the elderly because of the saod reasons and more.
Originally posted here:

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