Saturday, July 11, 2020

Irga (Amelánchier) tasty and healthy berries


Hello! I'm from Belarus! Now the weather is wonderful! Summer is my favorite season of the year. Summer is a time of berries. Today I want to tell you about a beautiful shrub called Irga.


It grows in Belarus often like a weed, but some people specifically plant it on their sites. Since Irga beautifully blossoms and bears fruit. I really like the berries of Irga. They do not ripen at one time. But there are also advantages here. Since such a shrub does not grow far from my house in a small shrubbery and it does not belong to anyone and grows far from the roads, I can pick these berries every day. Every day there are new ripened. Outwardly, Irga reminds me of a mixture of blueberries with black mountain ash and the same taste. Not everyone will taste their taste, but I like it. You can find a lot of information about the useful properties of irgi. Here is an example from Wikipedia >The abundance of vitamin P makes it possible to recommend the fruits of virigins and their juices to older people to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, prevent myocardial infarction and varicose veins. The fruits of irgi are a good multivitamin, they are used to treat hypo- and vitamin deficiencies. Irga normalizes sleep and strengthens the body. The use of tincture of flowers of irgi normalizes the work of the heart and lowers blood pressure. In folk medicine, juice from the fruit of the irgi is used to gargle with tonsillitis, inflammation of the oral cavity, decoction of the bark and leaves of the irgi as an astringent and enveloping agent. Fresh fruit juice has astringent properties and is used as a therapeutic drink for intestinal disorders. Thanks for your attention.
Originally posted here:

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