Sunday, July 19, 2020

Health Benefits of Kombucha Hey everyone. This will be my last post on Kombucha for awhile. You can check out my last 4 posts starting with [DIY SCOBY]( to get started on fermenting your own Kombucha, [DIY Kombucha Primary Fermentation](, [DIY Secondary Fermentation Kombucha](, and my last post [DIY Flavoring Your Own Kombucha]( This post will deal with some of the health benefits of drinking Kombucha. I will be taking some info from Men's Health. I will include the link so that you can learn more on your own if you so desire to. Now lets get to it... Thanks to the Fermentation process from the SCOBY, the sugars in your tea are converted into healthy probiotics. These probiotics are good-for-you bacteria in your gut, which not only aid in digestion, but also play a role in how you process food, absorb nutrients, and how your metabolism and immune system function. "Kombucha typically contains about a billion or so probiotics. That sounds like a lot, but some probiotic supplements contain as many as 450 billion. That said, the drink can be good for your gut health, says Dr. Bulsiewicz, since it helps deliver the probiotics directly to your colon, unlike probiotics in pill form which may be killed off by your stomach acid."
Kombucha also contains vitamins B1, B6, and B12, which help boost your immune system, regulate your mood, and produce red blood cells. You'll also get some vitamin C, an antioxidant important for your skin, bone health, and heart. "Kombucha also contains polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that can fight inflammation in your body. These antioxidants reduce your exposure to oxidation, a chemical process that damages your cells, which can eventually lead to things like heart disease, stroke, or even cancer, explains Dr. Bulsiewicz." Another nice feature about Kombucha is that many of the sugars in the tea are lost during the fermentation process thanks to the SCOBY. This means less calories and sugar than drinking typical soda and sweetened juices, tea, and coffee. This makes Kombucha a nice alternative if you are trying to maintain or lose weight. However, you should stick to drinking no more than 16 ounces of Kombucha a day. That is all that is really needed to obtain the benefits of Kombucha. Let me know what you think. I have talked to some people that replaced their morning coffee with Kombucha and they love it. They feel that the Kombucha gives them a natural energy source to start their day, and they don't get jittery like they would if they drank too much caffeine from coffee. Hopefully, you find this post useful and now you can enjoy the benefits of drinking Kombucha. Thanks for stopping by and like I said earlier, this will be my last post on Kombucha for a bit. If you've been following, you are now a Kombucha Master and are probably sick of seeing all Kombucha posts. Until next time...
Originally posted here:

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