Thursday, July 9, 2020

Have no idea how the body heals!? read this...
You know you've had a cut before. weather it was by riding a bike, running into furniture, or even runing down a sidewalk hill and getting that big knee wound you, a friend, or a relative has gotten, you got one. I've had my fair share, and I think it's safe to say You haven't lived until you've gotten at least one cut. we've all had them, but have you ever wondered exactly *what* your body is up to when it's healing? like, *why am I getting a scab? why is it so itchy? heck, what is a scab anyway?* if those are questions you've had or anything about the healing process, then you've come to the place. In this article, I'll be going over all the phases your body go through to heal itself, from blood to knew skin! # PHASE ONE: THE BLOODBATH this is the part where you first get the skinned, well skin, it sometimes starts out that light pink color before the blood comes in and makes the whole wound red. why is the wound filling up with blood? well it's because blood vessels, (thin tubes that carry blood around the body some thinner than a human hair strand) can get broken if the skin is peirced far down enough, and when a blood vessel is broken, well you know where the blood ends up. your best bet with this phase is to put alcohol on the wound to clear it of germs and a band aid is optional. # PHASE TWO: THE COVER-UP Now eventually the bleeding stops. why you ask? well because of a little help from vitamin K and platelets. okay, well all the help from those to factors. Vitaman K makes healthy blood clots with the platelets in the body that stop the bleeding and leaves a peachy pink spot on the body for a breif anount of time. Now here comes super scab! yes, that brown crust made from old platelets on your body is good for you! when a scab forms over the cut or wound you have, it's just covering the wound from germs in the air that would find this a good way to get in the body. but inside, the scab, your white blood cells are fighting all the germs that have maneged to get in the body. and good news! the body is making new skin under that scab! but on behalf of your scab, don't pick at it! it might be tempting to for some to pick at scabs, but peeling them can break the new skin might rip of with it or worse, you can infect the cut because germs will be able to get in. that is were pus comes in, yellow stuff made of body debre. yeah, it's best to just leave the scab alone and let the body do it's thing. (tip: scabs itch when there going to come off soon. I once had a head scratch that was begging to be scratched, but I left it alone, and a few minutes the scab legit fell off and I had new peachy pink skin in the place of it.) # PHASE 3: THE NEW GUY That's the new skin that's light pink and stays for a long time, eventually fading into your skin tone and thus the end of the process. vitamin C aids in this whole procedure making the body heal at it's best! I hope you learned something knew from this article! if you did, Upvote this so others can learn too! also, I have articles about vitamins C and K too, if you wanna learn about how those vitamins are good for the body! Vitamin C: Vitamin K:
Originally posted here:

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