My story of getting free from unhealthy emotions that were destroying my life. I got free of crippling fear, destructive anger and unhealthy emotional thinking that brought debt and business mistakes and you can too. Healthy thoughts. What are healthy thoughts? Healthy thoughts are positive, good, optimistic thoughts that create proper body function. Have you ever had a panic attack? A panic attack is an example of our bodies response to unhealthy thoughts. Those thoughts were induced by fears, phobias, and stress. Panic can look like a sheer, crazy need to escape. It is like a racing mouse banging on wall after wall looking for a way out a large boxed trap. The person who is unaccustomed to experiencing panic attacks may believe that they are having a heart attack and nervous breakdown. source Emotionalism has tortured me in the past. As a child I could cry at the drop of hat and getting angry at my siblings was explosive at times. My anger would accelerate to a fierce level of hatred. I suffered from fear and was tormented at night until early adulthood. Sleeping under the covers in the heat of the summer so that my toes and head were covered from invisible demons was an every night event for at least one year of my childhood. After finally being able to sleep without my head covered I still slept with the light on and a sheet covering my feet as a young adult. As a mother I have experienced extreme fear about losing my children by abduction or death. One summer night I was early pregnant with my second child and out with a large group of extended family. As we walked on the board walk laughing and talking a niece held the hand of my three year old son. I decided to enter a store and announced to all that I catch up with the group later. When in the store I realized that the whole group of twenty or so of us had entered with me. I was looking at trinkets and called for my son to come and look. When various people heard me ask repeatedly for my son they realized that he was not with us. He was not out on the board walk either. I ran from store to store in a search and when he was not in the immediate location I began to scream. I began to have a emotional meltdown of shear panic. I knew that he had been stolen. Right there on that board walk I screamed and went somewhere emotionally that was effecting my senses and physical state. My son was found but the memory of where I went emotionally never left me. Perhaps you to have suffered from unhealthy emotions and thoughts that have lead to fears and phobias and break downs. Break downs ran in my family. Fear was a way of life. I knew every statistic for danger and voiced to everyone else the need to be cautious. How did this cycle end in my life? I decided that I could not continue in this path and I sought God for help. I sought the people of God for help. I asked others to pray for me and I began to replace the thoughts in my mind with scriptures that brought peace to replace phobias. You can do the same. Seek the Lord for help he will help you. Medication and herbs and counselors may help but truth from the Word of God will transform your thinking and you will get set free. Others have been amazed at the transformation in my emotions. I am still working to let go of emotionalism and get all negative thoughts completely under control.
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