Monday, September 7, 2020

My Kind of Burger Nights - The Healthy Way
After many years of including more vibrant foods into my life I am now no longer excited about meals that might taste amazing but leave me feeling heavy, tired or bloated afterwards.

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I still want to go for special treat now and then like this delicious burger but only because I know this version from the vegan café Fruibies here in Australia is still lower in fat and made with high-quality, organic ingredients. With a pattie made of foods like carrot and sunflower seeds and a light raw wrap as the bun this amazing burger won’t pull me down. Treating myself means treating my body - instead of short term pleasures I want to choose health and well-being. 💚
➡️ What raw treats leave you feeling vibrant and light? 🥑🥒🥭🥝🍌🍇
💫 *For delicious raw vegan recipes for smoothies, nicecream, salads, finger food, sweet treats you can dowload my ebook [Raw Vegan Abundance](*
### Have a light and joyful day, everyone! Anais

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Originally posted here:

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