Thursday, September 17, 2020

Pancha Karma Pre-Cleanse, Day 3...


***American Pitta with Vata Imbalance*** I did not sleep hardly at all last night. It seems that the enema bag I bought off Ebay is super cheap and badly made - although I can't say for sure yet. I woke up at 330am and then have not really gone back to sleep since then. ## I am up but have not tackled all my morning things yet. It's overwhelming and I don't want to do it. Tomorrow morning I have be somewhere at 930am and I just cannot imagine how I will do that...? WTF I guess I will get up at 7am. I rebel in the morning against the things I am to do... ## Today, I made squash soup with baked Acorn Squash with vegetable broth and Mung Beans and Beet Kraut. Seasoned with fennel and cardamom pods and turmeric black pepper and salt. That's dinner. *It was pretty good.* *I nibbled on that and then went to visit my friend - and there was a huge food bank at his house and they gave me all the organic stuff because no one there eats healthy - I got piles of food - What a blessing!!! That was my excursion for the day. I am just trying to give myself a break that i feel like I am doing nothing - that getting used to this cleanse is about as much as I can handle...* *Afterward I wanted a snack so I had GF tortillas and vegan cheese and it gave me heart burn, but I also accidentally ate some crackers earlier - forgetting - "no crunchy, dry, etc" but the tortillas are dry and crunchy, so not sure...but it did not make me feel good...* Still to go tonight: the enema - I got a refund for the enema bag - because the hoses leak. I got my Doctor to send me another bag. **Hopefully tomorrow the Kutaja herb will arrive...** I also hope that I get used to all this soon and figure out how to integrate it. I think a lot of my problem is that I have no discipline as it is and this is introducing a foreign substance: discipline into my day and I just don't know how to get everything done because I do what I want when I want most of the time... Also the imbalance is impatience. Today when I did my 20 min of oil I only did 15 minutes because I was so impatient to **get it done**... Oh well. This is where I am at - at least I am doing it. Normally, I would quit and have quit so many things in the past - but I am not going to quit. NO! # Previous Posts
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