Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Obesity, premature death
Given the rate at which obesity is spreading around the world, it would probably not be wrong to say that obesity has become an epidemic in the 21st century. They are overweight in terms of their size.


This unnecessary weight is causing various diseases including diabetes, blood pressure, stroke, various heart diseases, joint, back and neck pain. It also looks bad, obesity is often a lack of physical activity,and Morbid Obesity has become the second biggest problem in the world after cigarettes. Obesity also adversely affects a person's quality of life. An obese person is five to twenty years younger than his or her peers. Due to obesity, they cannot continue their employment and therefore these people become a burden on their family, loved ones and country. Obesity often affects many members of the same family.


Sometimes the causes are also hormonal genetic, it is not unreasonable to say here that it also involves a lot of our lifestyle, nowadays people do not eat a simple diet, most people eat this kind of thing. , Which makes them fat very quickly, and also facilitates the process of facilitation in daily routines, including the use of vehicles, not walking, etc. It has been observed that people between the ages of 17 to 25 years. I start to get fat myself, once a person becomes obese then it becomes difficult to come back, until then there is no effective medicine that can control obesity as desired, in addition Their side effects are even greater, dieting, exercise, lifestyle changes, all of these things can reduce weight by 6 to 8% but it is also not limited to one. For three years, after that the weight stops there and often becomes more than before. Over the past few decades, various operations have been invented to reduce obesity. The case is progressing slowly, including small intestine bypass, intestinal bypass, and inserting a balloo into the stomach. If you eat less or stop until the food is absorbed, in modern times all over the world nowadays the stomach is shrunk for this purpose, this operation is called SleeveGasrectomy in medical terms.


Many times obese patients have shortness of breath during sleep. This is called sleep apnoea. In this case, the operation is necessary to save the patient's life. Sometimes the patient suffers from depression due to obesity and many mental illnesses. Therefore, such patients should definitely consider the option of surgery. In the beginning, this type of operation was performed with Open Surgery, but now these operations are performed through the camera, ie Laparoscope.There are no side effects of this operation. There is a formula for who should have this operation. It is called Body Mass Index (BMI). It is a calculation of a person's weight and height. A normal person's index is 18 to 25, 25 to 30 is called overweight, 30 to 40 is called obese, while an index above 40 is called Morbid Obesity, if a person has diabetes. Or the blood pressure index above 35 falls into the category of Morbid obesity, which if ignored can lead to various diseases and even cancer in the future. We need to keep our diet balanced, make exercise our routine. , Walk normal distances and if all methods do not work, consider surgical treatment. Thanks for reading Stay safe and healthy Image source...istock
Originally posted here:

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