Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Make it Tasty - The Common Mistake and How You Avoid it.
You’ve followed exactly the recipe, the dish is supposed to taste amazing but yet you end up with a surprisingly bad result? 🙈 *Yes, that happens and here is how you can prevent it - choose high-quality and perfectly ripe ingredients.*


*(Raw vegan dinner salad with zoodles, kale, beetroot pulp and avocado sauce)* A low-quality tomato maybe even picked before its time can taste like paper and create a weird sauce texture. A vibrant tomato from your favourite organic supplier on the other hand can taste on its own already so fantastic that you are tempted to eat them all up before even starting to make your creamy sauce. A banana smoothie with unripe bananas is a real disappointment and I have had quite a few of those in numerous cafés in different countries. When I make my own, I always wait till the bananas are really spotty and get to enjoy the full sweetness every time. So make sure you choose carefully when hunting for the best fruits and veggies on the market. And you’ll soon find that even your simplest meals can be a dance of flavours.
*You’d love to include more vibrant foods into your daily life and could use some guidance and inspiration ? 💫🙌🏻 Sign up for my free [14-Day Raw Food Challenge]( to get daily emails with practical tips, healthy insights and raw recipes to help you create new healthy habits!*
### Have a tasty day, everyone!

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Originally posted here:

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