Sunday, September 20, 2020

CHECKING IN [Sep.20.2020]🅰️

It’s been a little while hasn’t it!? But I thought I had better check in... @kpreddy put together an @actifit contest (click over to the #actifitcontest hashtag to check that out!) and then nominated me so I decided to take him up on the challenge and put another @Actifit report out onto the Hive Blockchain this weekend! Thanks @kpreddy for doing that! I haven’t taken the time to write a report in quite some time so this is good! 😄 For those who don’t know... @kpreddy’s contest is a way to win some additional AFIT Tokens so be sure to check it out! (@kpreddy! Are you planning on doing this contest next weekend? I’m asking because you specified that I should nominate one of my friends to do this contest and here it is! Sunday already!) Anyways! Yes you all... I’m still very much alive! And yes! All things @AdventureReady, @BeachReady, and @Actifit are still very much on my mind. As we head into the colder months here in Canada I will be ramping up some ideas around those projects. I will also be doubling down on my @Actifit reports, along with the #Win, #AutomaticWin, and #HighFive Initiatives as well so watch for that! Ok you all! I hope that you are all doing well, staying healthy, and staying safe! Thank you for reading this report and I look forward to connecting with you all once again very soon! *wil.metcalfe* ___ Annnnd! I can’t forget! I am nominating @practicaleric to do @kpreddy’s #ActifitContest! Check it out and good luck Eric! 😆 ___

_This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


Daily Activity,Walking

Originally posted here:

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