Sunday, September 20, 2020

Black Mirror aka Hairy, the Ape - A Night in the Life of Hypersensitivosaurus

Hairy the Ape.JPG

#### A hairy ape stared back at him from the bathroom mirror. ##### For a moment, he thought it was his wild side but, after blinking a couple of times, the beastly creature in front of him started picked its nose and eating the lump of snot it found up there, seemingly enjoying its taste and texture. It was only then, that Hypersensitivosaurus realized that the mirror was in fact a hole in the wall, a possible portal to another dimension. He also understood that the monkey wasn't him. Or was it? Could it be a different version of him - a past or future self? A brother from another mother? Whatever it was, it suddenly turned its back to him and walked away. Where the mirror had been, only moments before, was now a pitch black, raptor-sized hole. Hypersensitivosaurus was confused. Part of him felt a strong urge to find out what this was all about, to venture into the unknown and move on to what was possibly the 'dark side'. Another part of him felt extremely scared though. Was this mere cowardice? Or was it in fact his intuition telling him to do anything but to go in there? He decided to sit down for a while and meditate, to temporarily level up to SuperZENsitivosaurus. After a minute or two of conscious breathing, our favorite reptile felt a lot more at ease. Looking at the black hole once more, a feeling of calm came over him. With only a slight touch of healthy fear remaining, he decided to take the leap. Slowly but steadily, he made his way towards the portal. When he was so close that he could touch it, he took one deep breath and dove into the all-encompassing blackness... **TO BE CONTINUED...**
Originally posted here:

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