Thursday, September 24, 2020

Why living in a rural or natural area is best for your health today


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--- I spent most of the past few months exploring the beautiful wild and rugged south Cape coast of Africa. Lockdown meant self-isolation and quarantine, so there was no work to go to or nothing to do other than stay home and write or work online. Since I am in Africa, there is plenty of space to roam around freely, despite any attempt at lockdown. So I went exploring on the cliff edges every other day, where there are no people for miles around. I was thus able to have a fantastic time outdoors, keeping very fit and healthy without any concern of covid. The environment is revitalizing and the fresh air and sunshine is great for the health. Climbing around on the rocky shoreline led me to another cave, which looked like a nice little meditation space for me. This is yet another magical cave hideout here in today’s post. Life can simply pass me by as I sit here in my own world, “far from the madding crowd” as the great 19th century novel by Thomas Hardy is called, if you want to google that title. Covid was just a rumor for me, coming across via the media, as reports flowed in. Nations and cities were being inundated with the pandemic, but in my reality on the ground I saw nothing. I was so well removed in my remote place here on the planet, that I was able to live my exact same normal life, roaming around on the cliff edges all day long. The sea shore is right here, with waves crashing up onto the rocks a few meters away. While the world went into lockdown, I went into meditation and a blissful continuation of my outdoor adventuring. Exploring the cliffs here on the south Cape coast of Africa, even during winter, has been invigorating. As a result I came out of lockdown feeling healthier than ever. I gave up stressing about the rumor of a virus, and six months later have still seen no sign of it in my town. I now have a better immune system as a result of keeping fit, spending loads of time outdoors and maintaining a happy and positive mood, free from stress. If you want to keep up a strong immune system, then just love life, that’s all. Don’t worry – be happy, as one great wise philosopher once said very eloquently. Worry and stress weakens the immune system, along with fear. Now that lockdown is just about over, six months later, it would have been useless to worry. Life never changed from a health point of view. And I have been doing the same thing as I always did. My good fortune comes from situating myself in the ideal location way before covid ever appeared as an “issue”. As a result, when covid arrived, I was already in a remote beautiful location surrounded by nature right on the cliff edge, far from the cities. You can see how beautifully clean and pure the environment is. So I was already self-isolated. There is nothing better in life than natural surroundings and a pure and clean environment in which to live. That is the key to good health. And from there you also get peace of mind. Success in life depends on the basics. If you get the basic lifestyle choices correct from the start, then you will be assured success in your life. Begin with doing what is needed to facilitate your long term good health. Avoid cities with their pollution. Avoid crowded locations. Give up stressing about life. A happy mindset is part of the foundation of a healthy mind. And a healthy mind will ensure a healthy body. The body/mind connection cannot be denied. It all begins in the mind. Poor health is a symptom of a compromised mindset. The modern lifestyle that we are raised to accept as normal, might not actually be the best lifestyle. I simple life, surrounded by nature, is actually better than a complex life in a polluted city, while trying to acquire excess material goods. That is the consumerist trap which is set for you by mainstream business propaganda. You may end up sacrificing your mental health as well as your physical health trying to compete and acquire more and more insignificant material goods. Rather focus on the correct foundation to life. Get the basics aligned with your best interests and the rest will follow. Older people can sometimes only retire at the end of life to the countryside or to the coast. But if that is the ideal place to be for good health and peace of mind, then it is obvious to me that those are the places to be right from the start. I refused to sacrifice my entire life slaving in the consumerist artificial lifestyle foisted upon us today, when I could be living in paradise all along, here on earth. So I removed myself from the rat race, and the city, and retired to the countryside, to the coast, decades ago as a youth already. As a result my health has been fantastic for decades. My mindset is in bliss all year long. And I never once saw any evidence of covid so far this year. Life is simple for the simple but complicated for the complicated. It’s as simple as that. (image pixabay) --- ▶️ [3Speak](
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