Tuesday, September 22, 2020

ecoTrain Question Of The Week #20 - What is it about music?

When I saw @ecotrain's question, started to smile, not because the question is funny, but because if I answer the question, my secret will no longer be secret. The question is very good as music is important for many of us but it means different things, that I'm pretty sure of, without even checking the entries.


## What is it about music? Music in my opinion is a universal language that connects people from all over the world. Some people are gifted, or just (more) ambitious, and can speak more than one language, which helps them connect with other people. Others are not so gifted or ambitious and speak only their mother tongue. Music can connect people, even without understanding the lyrics. You can see people at concerts from all over the world having fun, partying together without speaking to each other. Nothing matters there, race, age, social status, nothing, only music. This is a huge thing and I hope everyone gets to experience that. ## What Music Means To Me There are four basic elements of life: Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and phosphorus. For me however there's a fifth element, that is music. Music is part of my life, music is my drug. I've never used any drugs, and I don't think I ever will, but I use music to give me the strength I need in difficult situations. Let me give you a couple of examples to understand what I'm talking about. #### Strength A few years ago I was training myself to run 10km, which was for a virtual event and the first time for me as well as I've never run that distance before. My record was 7km. For some this may seem nothing, for me it means the world as I am living with a back injury and running is not recommended. I am always cautious, listening to my body all the time and know when to stop, so I thought let's try 10km. Those of you who do or did sports know how important mental strength is. Your body can be trained, you can be ready physically and break down mentally in the middle of the race, hit a wall and give up as you think you can't go any further. I've learned this and also found a way t overcome mental difficulties, with music. There are certain tracks that can motivate me, cheer me up and give me the strength I need for the next step, whatever that may be. I've learned this a long time ago and using it ever since to get what I want. It's working perfectly and it's my secret, not many know about it as if you can't feel it, you won't understand. On that particular day, when I knew I'm facing the biggest challenge regarding running, I picked some tracks that I knew are good for me. It was a big deal as a failure could have marked me for life. This wasn't an official competition, I was competing with myself as always, but it meant the world to me. I'm usually quiet about my condition, but about a month ago I could only walk with a walking stick, and that happens every two years or so. This is my secret, not many know about this as I'm not fishing for sympathy here. I'm only telling you this so you can understand what the 10km distance means to me. At the day of my own race, I took my earpieces, listened to music all the way and was able to run 10km, within a good time. It was the happiest day of my life as far as running is regarded and I know I could have not done it without music. There were difficulties, I felt like I could not go on but was strong and did it. #### Overcoming Fear And Pain The other very good example is the one when I was able to overcome fear and pain, also thanks to music. A few years ago I had to have a head surgery, then one month later another. It was only plastic surgery, no bone was touched, but there were 10 cuts in total on my head and then stitches. I was give local anesthetic but the quantity allowed wasn't enough and till the time the surgeon finished the last one, the the anesthetic was all gone. I was silent the whole time, which appeared to unusual. The doctor asked me if it hurt. I said of course it did. Then he told me I'm probably more tolerant when it comes to pain as his other patients are screaming at the first incision. Little did he know I was high on music, as I've been listening to music all day long and was more than ready for the surgery. Each surgery took about an hour and I was playing that specific music in my head, to be able to resist. Looking back after a couple of years it seems like heroic what I did and I know it looks like it for outsiders. A great deal of patience and courage needed that day. These are only two occasions that looked like good examples. These occasions have thought me a good lesson. I have learned that I'm able to overcome many difficulties if I know how. I don't need drugs, alcohol or cigarettes to get there, music is enough for me, it does the job perfectly. Music is an element of life that I could not live without. #### What Kind Of Music? Not every genre of music has the same effect. There are certain types of music that makes me sad, those need to be avoided. Now you're wondering how do I pick my music, right? Truth to be told, music picks me. I like a great variety of music, from classical to rock and EDM. Every genre means something else to me and based on my mood, I pick the one that helps me feel better. No need for medication or other substances, just music. My other ecoTrain posts: - [What are you addicted to and how does it help and hinder you?](https://peakd.com/hive-123046/@erikah/what-are-you-addicted-to-and-how-does-it-help-and-hinder-you) - [What Can We Do Differently So That People Can Understand Us Better?](https://peakd.com/hive-123046/@erikah/what-can-we-do-differently-do-that-people-can-understand-us-better) - [Why do you think so many computer games are based on extreme violence? Do you think it is healthy or unhealthy?](https://peakd.com/hive-123046/@erikah/ecotrain-question-of-the-week-why-do-you-think-so-many-computer-games-are-based-on-extreme-violence-do-you-think-it-is-healthy)
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-123046/@erikah/ecotrain-question-of-the-week-20-what-is-it-about-music

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