Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Please stay healthy!


[For the English speaking readers: I am sorry: Here I have listed German sources. For translating into other languages has proven to be very useful. I hope it helps you to understand the contents.] They are everywhere - in the air, in the water, on all surfaces, even on the skin and body, even in space. We are talking about germs (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.). We get along with many of them, because "we live with them in a symbiosis that also protects us from infectious diseases. Only if the composition is disturbed," this leads to problems and emerging diseases. Some of you may have noticed that I was ailing the last few days and then I got a cold attack. After a few days of bed rest and carefully selected home remedies and remedies I am back on the road. Nevertheless, in such a case one should be careful not to carry off an illness. Because even if you feel better, the body needs some time and rest to regenerate... and nobody wants to develop a chronic disease. These days I have been thinking a lot. Nobody can avoid the topic "Corona". Many people are afraid of this virus or explicitly "Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2", because there are many corona viruses: from harmless to dangerous. The simple cold is sometimes also caused by corona viruses. One more reason to pay attention to the exact choice of words and not to panic when there is talk of >>corona(virus(infestation))<< somewhere. What I am getting at is this: No matter how you feel about the matter, you want normality to return at last. This is only possible as a community, because even if you do everything right or think you have to do it, you will be affected if the environment does not get it right and measures are taken. As protective measures a mask obligation and/or obligation to carry a mouth nose protection was introduced. How one stands to it, is left to everyone. It struck me: Although it was assigned a high priority, it was not found necessary to inform more exactly over it - one looks for a package insert with the masks likewise in vain. There are big differences in the quality of masks and visors - how to handle masks, what needs to be considered and also what risks can be involved. Now some people think I am here to teach how to wear a mask properly. But this is not what this is all about - on the contrary: when not to wear it, why and what else should be considered (everything outside the wearing topic)? Keeping healthy is the keyword and at best you should think more about this, because we all have an immune system - one stronger, the other weaker. And shouldn't we focus on this? After all, the goal is one day to achieve a controlled infestation. This should benefit many people, since such a search for a vaccine would be obsolete, which could not achieve an adequate effect anyway due to the rapid mutation of the covid virus - comparable to the mutation rate of the influenza virus. This approach makes even less sense if safety is a priority and the usual test phases are to be adhered to. Health issues in general are one of my core competences and therefore it is important to me to educate you on how to protect yourself. Because if as many people as possible are healthy, hopefully the "Corona nightmare" will soon be over =) … In this sense, this will be an attempt on my part to present these rather complex topics in an easy to understand format with several episodes. A particularly interesting source is the doctoral thesis by Ulrike Butz from 2004 "Respiration of carbon dioxide when using surgical masks as hygienic mouthguards for medical personnel": Tomorrow I would like to go into this topic in more detail - I think it will interest many people and hopefully be just as helpful. My report makes no claim to completeness. Please comment diligently on what you value, what you are interested in and your personal opinion about it. I thank you all and wish you only the best. Stay healthy! =)
Originally posted here:

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