Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Aloe Aborescens Update

My Aloe Arborescens is growing great :) *[arborescens has more healthy ingredients than Vera :) and Im going to use her to counter my permanent pain]*


The little ones always seem to have more power than the main stem.. ^^ *(they both come directly out of the stem; there is a third very little one also coming out of the stem but more like a root, coming upwards and out to the light)*


Here is a closeup of the left one


Ive already separated these two from the main plant a few weeks ago


The biggest one of the shoots is doing great


But I think this little one also survived and is just starting to explode :))


*Soon I will have some big Aloe Trees :D (arborescens is a tree Aloe)* Have a great sunny day! :)
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/nature/@woelfchen/aloe-aborescens-update

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