Thursday, September 10, 2020

"Cured" of COVID-19 / My personal experience


Yeah, it think im pretty much fine right now. No longer have any symptoms. If i had to share my personal experience id say its not as bad as the flu but its more annoying. Ofc, this is my personal experience so i cant say how you would be affected by it. Ill share my timeline of how it progressed for some reference.

Day 1-3

I had high fever around 38 up to 38.5 C and felt tired without being able to sleep. First night was the worst.

Day 3-5

Fever under 38 C. Tired all day but managed to get sleep. Id get dizzy and out of breath even for walking a bit faster. Minor cough and sinuses feel strange even though there is no secretion of any kind. A very strong headache in the evening.

Day 5-10

No fever. Everything started to have a weird smell. My taste is affected a bit. Still slightly tired. Weaker headaches but still persist.


Its been 13 days now and im not feeling any symptoms. Still not at 100% when it comes to my energy level. Breathing through the nose deeply still has a slightly weird feeling.


While everyone is portraying this as the plague of 2020 my experience is that its not nearly as bad as the media is making it out to be. My wife had similar symptoms to mine. She didnt have a fever but lost her sense of smell and taste for a week. Other symptoms were almost exactly the same. I can see how old people with other chronic diseases could have problem with COVID-19 but if youre young (im 30) and healthy i really dont feel you should fear for your life over this. Honestly, if i had to pick between getting the flu or bronchitis (something i get from time to time and i hate) or COVID 19 again, based on my current experience, id pick COVID. _If i had to pick. Id rather stay healthy though. High fever sucks. lol_ Now, ofc this is just my experience and that doesnt necessarily mean yours will be the same. Stay safe. Use a mask, maybe it helps a bit and wash your hands. Posted Using [LeoFinance](
Originally posted here:

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