Sunday, September 27, 2020

Going (Wal)Nuts
**The gardening season may be close to its end, there's still plenty to harvest. Our walnut tree is going crazy this year.**


## Nuts I'm not nuts about nuts. Better yet: I don't like them... at all. So far, I haven't found a kind of nut that I think is delicious. I think the best one I ever tasted was a hazelnut, picked fresh from the tree. They have this weird texture, and a *dry* taste... I don't know how else to describe it. My girlfriend likes them, though. She was the one who planted a walnut tree in the garden when she first came to live in this house. So, every year, I'm stuck with dozens and dozens (hundreds?) of walnuts. They're pretty small compared to the walnuts that grow on the tree at a friend's house, so it takes a lot more work to get a decent portion of peeled walnuts. Still, their size bothers me a bit. The tree is growing in the chicken coop, and every day I'm expecting to find one of our chicken with her head smashed by a falling nut. So far, no accidents happened, but I often think I should get them a little chicken helmet, just to be safe, lol.

walnut tree.jpg

## Healthy Whether I like them or not, walnuts are supposed to be very healthy. They're considered to be one of the healthiest nuts around. They're full of antioxidants and essential fatty acids. They help to lower your cholesterol, and reduce the risk of a high blood pressure. If you don't eat meat, walnuts can be a great source of protein.
## Now What? I have buckets and buckets (and more buckets) of walnuts at the moment, and I'm not sure what to do with them. I'm so not looking forward to peeling them one by one, but I guess I don't really have another choice. It might be an idea to make walnut butter, or -flour. I guess I'll be looking up some recipes, and see what is doable. I know how to make milk from nuts, but that's about it. If you have any good ideas, feel free to let me know. I'll keep you posted!!

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