Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Inconvenient Truth About Umbilical Cords

https://mouthsofmums.com.au/wp-content/uploads/jbimages/Screen_Shot_2016-05-01_at_4.26_.08_pm_.png We are almost sure that you didn't watch that 5-year-old video clip (below) prior to landing on this blog. Or another any clip conveying the same kind of information. After all, it only got 20K views since its release while it should have gotten millions of views so far, though if following the money-trail this fact is easily explainable as it would not be good for business. Well, you know, business as usual. That kind of business. Of course, speaking of "umbilical cords" is not a daily concern among people, and unless one is expecting a newborn, it is pretty understandable, though this piece of data is vital knowledge and should be absolutely known by the time any adolescent reaches high school. The tide is changing or will change soon because many people are seeing through the "fake news" regurgitated by the mainstream media and doctors so afraid to lose their jobs.  Even though the expert in that video contends that it is better to delay clamping the umbilical cord by a few minutes when the birth is premature, she recognizes that full-term babies could also benefit and that more parents request that the cord to not be cut.   Though there is a major concern and which is to give the baby too much blood, the same pediatrician interjects...  Can you believe this, knowing that millions of animals are born in the wilderness every day? Well actually, in the wild, the female eats the placenta because it contains essential nutrients supporting a steady milk production. But she does not do that right away. In the meantime, the newly born will receive all the blood rich in stem cells it needs. The human umbilical cord seals off after 1 hour and there is a reason why Nature made it this way, to signal when the cord can be clamped, to make sure that all the stem cells have been transferred. The latter are necessary for the baby to grow up healthy and develop a "strong" immune system.   But isn't what is happening as the umbilical cord is cut right after birth, to help the baby breathe we are told and of course this is a lie. And here is why: umbilical cords are collected for the Stem Cell Industry, which is a growing and multi-billion industry! And then when you investigate further, Stem Cell Research claims to alleviate risks associated with transplants, among other things. Transplants that are too often needed for patients with diabetes and heart diseases, and other ailments too often linked to our senseless lifestyles. Every newborn deserves to get his own stem cells. It should be made a birthright!  So where do we go from here? Right, it does mean that medical research sees no wrong-doing compromising newborns' long-term health but tries to rescue the people who have poor diets, consuming junk and processed food, and drink lots of sodas. How does that make sense? That's how a for-profit system operates, it needs to make sure that clients will keep coming in. Where is the point in getting a college degree... what for? Our life is stolen from the first minute we breathe! We seriously doubt that a trend of parents bypassing mainstream advice is growing because the medical industry is making sure that Stem Cell Research gets enough umbilical cords to continue raking in billions of dollars.  For the system to change, a new mindset is necessary. That's the only way to make the money-free society work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggmnedleUVw New Birthing Trend, Don't Cut the Cord (2013) When the umbilical cord is not cut, it naturally seals off after about an hour after birth. The umbilical cord and attached placenta will fully detach from the baby anywhere from two to 10 days after the birth. Dr. James Van Hook, director of Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, says if doctors momentarily delay clamping the umbilical cord there is a chance that newborns can get a final transfusion of blood cells rich in stem cells and immunoglobulin that theoretically can help the infant fight off infections. However, Van Hook cautions in those cases the umbilical cord is clamped within a few minutes of birth, not left to close off naturally. https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2013/04/11/new-birthing-trend-dont-cut-the-cord Aug. 26, 2020 Stem Cell Umbilical Cord Blood Market to Reach $10.13 Bn, Globally, by 2027 at 16.9% CAGR: Allied Market Research | Rise in genetic testing, development in treatment for chronic diseases, and the emergence of suitable payment plans drive the growth of the global stem cell umbilical cord blood market. This is because regenerative medicines in organ transplant eliminate the use of immune-suppressing drugs and anti-inflammatory treatments that are required to treat artificial organ, bone and tissues. Simultaneously, the transplant medicine segment would portray the fastest CAGR of 16.6% throughout the forecast period. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/stem-cell-umbilical-cord-blood-market-to-reach-10-13-bn-globally-by-2027-at-16-9-cagr-allied-market-research-301118860.html How many chronic diseases drive organ transplants, hence the need for a stem cell market https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/stem-cell-umbilical-cord-blood-UCB-market
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/society/@earthcustodians/the-inconvenient-truth-about-umbilical-cords

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