Saturday, September 19, 2020

A very simple Healthy energy drink to try out
This is one very simple recipe that I worked out around 3 months ago after my husband got back from hospital and I was looking out for some nutritious recipes for building up on his energy and strength. Also my hubby is very fond of milk, but for his autoimmune condition it was better to avoid lactose for him, so I was looking for alternatives. One fine day I had this thought of combining some nuts and making a drink out of it. Since he was on a liquid feed through the nose pipe, I had to work out completely only on different type of liquids for him. Let me share it with you and you can try it out, I bet you will get hooked to it and if you are in a habit of having Milk daily you may also want to replace it. I have been Lactose allergic since the last couple of years, anyways I was never very fond of Milk, but once in a way I would love to have it. Now I enjoy having this 1 glass every day during evening time.


Ingredients Walnuts Almonds Dates Spoon of honey Add all of them in a juicer with a glass of water and let it juice up till it all becomes milky. Dates and honey gives the sweetness to the milk so you need not add up any other sugar to it while having. You may strain it before having it but I prefer to have it without straining.




You may also wish to add any other nuts also like Macademia or Pine, they blend well in the taste. Almond milk is generally available in the supermarkets, but trust me the add on of Walnut gives it a very balanced state and does not over power the sweetness of Almonds and dates. Also nutrition wise there is no doubt that all of these have amazing benefits. It is not even a 5 minutes job, and a very healthy one to replace your milk. Can be given as a alternative to kids also in place of milk, if they do not enjoy having milk, as it is these days more and more people are becoming lactose intolerant so this is a good alternative. Hope you will enjoy this one. ***Thank you for visiting my blog.*** 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


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