Saturday, September 12, 2020

Total body transformation
How I transformed my body and health in just 8 weeks!

--- It's the year 2020 and my government unemployment monies, back pay in all, finally arrived four months into Global lockdowns over a virus. It seemed like a no brainer to take advantage of my new Goberment cheese and to access my old memory files from playing football(5 years) and weight training(7 years) to really take my health to the next level as a 35 year old who needed to rebuild muscles and hormones. I had spent the last 17 years working odd and laborious hours as a on-call union stagehand. The first 8-9 I was in and out of Northern California growing weed and stressing my body out with good wine and other things🐰, but really sitting down ended up being the most detrimental to my health, as I started to shrink during that time frame(old spine injuries). The last 7-8 years I really started spending too much time at work to create a family… Let's just say that fell apart and so did my hours at work over the last few years. Lots of physical and emotional stress had left me in extremely poor health from 30-34. Last I left Steem, or rather when I was last consistently active, I constantly complained about my health, about 2 years ago. Well, after many years of detoxing(that experience will be another post don't worry @crimsonclad no coffee funny buisness here. I promise I am more than just my coffee rituals😇) and being homeless twice, I had finally balanced my body's ph. I was facing the reality of my hormones being out of balance and deteriorating muscles. I felt unnecessarily weak and basically had no libido. But was healthy, alert and focused. It was weird. My first inclination was to start working out, doing cardio and daily yoga. I knew I needed more protein and wanted to use Creatine. But wait, my ligaments would be under extra stress so I also needed MSM and a higher quality collagen too. I need more than that actually. I did a fair amount of research before making any decisions… My goal was to find the highest quality products versus price point(serving sizes!!!). ## These are the products that I found: ### Three-atine by Crazy Muscle *


[Source]( Not only was this a high quality creatine with diversity having 3 types of creatine but the owner Maximus is extremely responsive via email and friendly, not to mention they are a new company offering lots of free products for taking pictures with their product. ### Why Creatine? I took the quote below directly from their website. >What To Expect When Taking Creatine Essentially, creatine helps you lift heavier weight, complete more reps, or both. This elevated work capacity results in an increased ability to develop lean muscle tissue. Creatine helps build lean mass and power output with the current training you're already doing. As a result of ATP running more efficiently, you'll have more explosive muscle power, increased strength, and gains in lean mass. You can take creatine daily, and on workout days it's best to take creatine before/after your workout. At the right dose, creatine is safe for everyone, has little to no side effects, and can be taken on an empty stomach. It's important to drink lots of water while using it (at least half your body weight in ounces). The upper limit of creatine is 25g/day, so don't take more than this. [Source]( ### Phase8 Protein by Muscletech *



My diet was lacking protein and my keto diet wasn't helping as I was doing very little protein for financial reasons. So I found this product. Not only was it probably the top 1 or 2 protein powders I found it was the cheapest by far. >THE COMPLETE SUSTAINED-RELEASE, 8-HOUR PROTEIN HOW IT WORKS The main protein component in PHASE8™ has the unique ability to release amino acids in your bloodstream for 8 hours after taking it. Because of these sustained-release properties, it’s perfect for creating a muscle building environment for longer periods of time. It’s anti-catabolic properties make it an ideal protein to get through long periods without food, such as overnight or fasting. [Source]( ### MULTI COLLAGEN PROTEIN POWDER LARGE by Code Age *


[Source]( Why Collagen? >What is collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, accounting for about one-third of its protein composition. It’s one of the major building blocks of bones, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Collagen is also found in many other body parts, including blood vessels, corneas, and teeth. You can think of it as the “glue” that holds all these things together. In fact, the word comes from the Greek word “kólla,” which means glue. [Source]( The 4 main types: >Type I. This type accounts for 90% of your body’s collagen and is made of densely packed fibers. It provides structure to skin, bones, tendons, fibrous cartilage, connective tissue, and teeth. Type II This type is made of more loosely packed fibers and found in elastic cartilage, which cushions your joints. >Type III This type supports the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries. Type IV This type helps with filtration and is found in the layers of your skin. [Source]( ### Buffered Vitamin C by Ester-C *



Vitamin C is essential for supporting Collagen. Buffered Vitamin C is highly asorb-able and won't rob your body(bones) of its own minerals, like Vitamin C from ascorbic acid will. ### Chlorella Spirulina 50/50 tablet mix by Good Natured *


>Chlorella is one of the highest sources of chlorophyll available and is high in protein (about 60%). Chlorella has a very thick and strong cell wall, when the cell wall is not cracked, it is very difficult to be digested. We use a low pressure flash expansion technique which explodes the cell walls to increases the digestive rate to more than 80%, which is twice the amount compared to most marketed chlorella. Spirulina is a highly nutritious, all natural blue-green algae and a rich source of vitamins, B-carotene, minerals, chlorophyll, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and protein. 100% Natural Cracked Cell Wall Chlorella Pyrenoidosa 100% Natural Spirulina Arthrospira Platensis Product of Southern Taiwan, Super Clean, Grown in Sunlight Using Mountain Spring Water Tablet Size = 200mg, (Smaller Size To Aid Swallowing) No Additives. No Fillers. No Preservatives. No Stabilizers. [Source]( >In Japan, interest in chlorella has focused largely on its detoxifying properties - its ability to neutralize or remove poisonous substances from the body, including Cadmium, mercury-caused disease, dioxin, PCBs, X-rays and other radiations. A Report by Scottist in 1986 and report from Japan showed that increase absorption of Cadmium by Chlorella and increased excretion of Cadmium by threefold after intake of Chlorella from animal testing. Chlorella can also detoxify Uranium, Lead, Copper, PCB. Source: " A good Health Guide: Chlorella " by William H Lee. R. Ph.D. and Michael Rosenbaum, M.D. Chlorella exhibited radioprotective action against Gamma-ray induced Chromosomal damage in mice. The Anti-mutagenic activity of chlorophyll and beta-carotene present in vegetable extracts is now well established. The Japan Radiation Research Society in 1993 Other Benefits of Chlorella Improving and cleansing digestive system Protecting against damaging free radicals Increasing growth of gut micro-flora Detoxing - including heavy metals and PCBs Purifying and cleansing the blood Help balancing body's pH Boosting immune system Helping with weight loss/maintenance Stimulating the growth of new cells Supplementing essential vitamins and minerals Assist in protecting and repairing the nucleic acids (RNA/DNA) of the cells [Source]( I got this because I live in a nuclear hot zone, Las Vegas, NV. Granted most radioactive fallout was blown by the wind/jet stream to St. George, Utah. Still, Las Vegas is no more than 100-120 miles away from the Nevada Test Site(no longer above ground testing). ### Digestive Enzymes by Doctors Best *



Even the healthiest raw food crunchy junkies take enzymes religiously. Enzymes are critical for maximum food absorption, helps fight parasites and mucus even. This becomes especially important when buying supplements. ### MSM powder by Doctors Best *



SULFUR! >Helps support joint comfort and mobility* Helps support a healthy immune response* Helps support antioxidant defenses* Helps support overall health for hair, skin, and nails* Non-GMO / Gluten Free / Soy Free / Vegetarian / Vegan >What is Doctor's Best MSM? A biological compound that occurs in the human body and in some foods, MSM is an excellent dietary source of bioavailable organic sulfur. Doctor’s Best MSM features OptiMSM®, a highly purified form (99.9% pure) of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). Since the amount of MSM found naturally in living materials is too small to be extracted, the MSM used for dietary supplements is manufactured. The makers of OptiMSM® developed a four-stage process to separate impurities including heavy metals and other contaminants from OptiMSM®. Each batch exceeds the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) monograph standards for MSM, and is validated by testing in independent laboratories.* [Source]( ### DMSO topical gel 99% *


An even better form of sulfur that works in conjunction with MSM. >DMSO is used topically to decrease pain and speed the healing of wounds, burns, and muscle and skeletal injuries. DMSO is also used topically to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and severe facial pain called tic douloureux. It is used topically for eye conditions including cataracts, glaucoma, and problems with the retina; for foot conditions including bunions, calluses, and fungus on toenails; and for skin conditions including keloid scars and scleroderma. It is sometimes used topically to treat skin and tissue damage caused by chemotherapy when it leaks from the IV that is used to deliver it. DMSO is used either alone or in combination with a drug called idoxuridine to treat pain associated with shingles (herpes zoster infection). Intravenously, DMSO is used to lower abnormally high blood pressure in the brain. It is also given intravenously to treat bladder infections (interstitial cystitis) and chronic inflammatory bladder disease. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved certain DMSO products for placement inside the bladder to treat symptoms of chronic inflammatory bladder disease. DMSO is sometimes placed inside bile ducts with other medications to treat bile duct stones. [Source]( I even have a DMSO eye drop solution I made a while back.


### MCT Oil * (brand pictured seems to have changed company names)


I did intermittent fasting the entire time. MCT Oil is a safe oil to use mid day to help the liver and kidneys get essential oils needed from missing meals and general overall healthy function. >MCT oil is a supplement made from a type of fat called medium-chain triglycerides. MCT molecules are smaller than those in most of the fats you eat (long-chain triglycerides [LCT]). This makes them easier to digest. You can absorb MCT in your bloodstream quickly. This turns it into energy you can use. MCT and the Ketogenic Diet Your body makes ketones when you break down fat on a very low-carb diet. This can lower your insulin levels and help you burn fat. MCT helps you make more ketones than LCT. This may help you get to the fat-burning phase faster, but we don’t know for sure. You may find it easier to stay on a keto diet that uses MCT because you can eat more carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables. [Source]( ### N.O. XT BY Jacked Factory *


>Helped my Neuropathy I am 88 years old. I had a stroke in January, 2013 and totally paralyzed on my right side. Within three days I was in physical therapy and 6 years later still work out three times a week, 45 minutes. I have recovered 80-90% of my original abilities. Before the stroke, I was scheduled for a major back operation (metal inserts). At the last minute, I opted for spinal injections around the nerve pain, lower back. I had a blood clot stroke four days later. I was in Rehab 2 days later. I discovered as I got better from my stroke, I no longer had any back pain. It was a good trade! But, I developed nerve caused Neuropathy which is a numbness in my both of my lower legs, ankles and feet. It's not painful, but my ankles you like rusty hinges with the numbness. Researching supplements, which I take quite a few, I ran across N.O.XL and noted one review stated it helped his neuropathy. So, I ordered N.O.XL and have used it now about three weeks. I started with three capsule dose, about 45 minutes before my rehab session. I definitely felt a 50-75% relief of the numbness in my legs. My rehab consisted of a Nustep arm & leg machine, 50 LB pull down arm exercises, stepper, leg weight lift, one forward 50 LB and one lay backward 70 LB machine and a 50 LB left & right upper body twist Machine. All I can say is that I feel better doing the exercises. The real point is the effect on the numbness in my legs. It is almost a night/day relief feeling. The last week I have experimented taking 2 capsules late morning and one capsule that afternoon. My numbness is still reduced by the time I am in bed. I bought the test kit, and when I first tested myself my Nitric Oxide level barely showed. When I get up in the morning and test my level now, it shows a light pink, better than before. I only checked it one time a couple hours after a three capsule dose and the test was bright pink. All I'm saying is, this does have an effect on my body. I do take supplements and one mild blood pressure pill once a day. So far I have not this any side effects, but I am a little concerned about the use of this supplement this way. However I am placing an order for another bottle, because it has definitely help my condition. I thought interested parties would appreciate my experience. It has an effect on blood circulation IMHO. Skipjack 68 [Source: Top featured Amazon Review.]( It was reviews like these that sold me on this new Nitric oxide craze. ### Shilajit by Natural Shilajit


[Source]( I love this brand. It has the most transparent testing numbers and best numbers for ppms of heavy metals. Heavy metals like lead, arsenic, aluminium are just a few dangerous heavy metals in lower quality shilajit. >Our Shilajit is tested in independent labs to make sure contaminants like PCB’s, furans, heavy metals and dioxins are below the limits defined by European Union and California Proposition 65. Our product, Natural Shilajit, does not exceed California Prop 65 limits for safety, the strictest limits on earth. It’s even far more strict than Federal limits. However, vegetables and fruits are exempt from Prop 65 since they can’t possibly pass. Our Shilajit Resin is very safe…. ...BOOST YOUR ENERGY LEVELS Deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins in diet produces symptoms such as tiredness, fogginess and make you slow and lethargic when it comes to exercise. Shilajit resin is a quick fix for people suffering from deficiency of one element or the other, as it boasts no less than 85 trace elements, lots of phytonutrients, full-spectrum amino acids and enzymes. STOP AND REDUCE HAIR FALL GET CLEAR, GLOWING SKIN RESTORE YOUR GUT HEALTH BALANCE YOUR BODY SYSTEMS REDUCE BODY INFLAMMATION RECLAIM YOUR PRODUCTIVITY STOP GETTING SICK GET DEEP, RESTFUL SLEEP BUILD STRONGER BONES AND NAILS [Source]( ### Kangen Water




>Kangen Water® is Antioxidant-Rich, Healthy Water for Revitalized Cells and a Healthy Alternative to regular Tap and Bottled Water Kangen Water®... (aka electrolyzed reduced water (ERW), or hydrogen water) begins as tap water. The Enagic® machine filters out chlorine and other impurities from the tap water, then separates the hydrogen and oxygen with a process known as electrolysis. This process adds an electron to the hydrogen creating a new molecule called diatomic molecular hydrogen gas. When this is added to your drinking water, it produces antioxidant-rich Kangen Water® Read more at: [Source]( This water has proven to me over the years it's ability to help me absorb my supplements more effectively and even improve the digestion of my food. In fact I immediately feel low on energy and lethargic when I am not drinking it in lieu of RO water. ### Psyllium Husk powder by Now *


This fiber product is essential and isn't just for grandma and grandpa folks. I always take this for my lower intestinal health, usually in conjunction with food grade Diatomaceous earth. However, I eliminated D.E. for these 8 weeks. The psyllium husks help your digestion, well better digest your food and keep it all together… this is important on such a large supplement and liquid protein diet😬😂 >Soluble fiber from foods such as psyllium seed husks, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. A serving of psyllium husk powder supplies 6 grams of the 7 grams soluble fiber necessary per day to have this effect. [Source](


Once I acquired my arsenal of dietary supplements, the only thing stopping me from achieving fitness glory was me. 😛 ### Of course I needed to start this 8 week program off with a 'Week 1' Picture.


**Not flexing**


**Flexing** ## Week 1 This week was extremely energy packed. The N.O. XL stood out immediately. I found myself doing yoga 2-3 times a day and working out every day. I used a yoga DVD called Better Belly Yoga which is 35 minutes long focusing on core muscles mainly.


* I used some very used and worn weight set out back. The barbell is bending bad and the sand is leaking out of the weights. I kept it simple. Upper body one day, abs the next and then legs and rinse and repeat as the week goes. 1 Heavy rep set and then 2 smaller rep sets for each muscle group.


I was also doing cardio everyday. I have an elliptical out front but it is missing it's meter. However, I would do 30 mins a day.


I was able to immediately switch my sleeping habits to go to sleep around 7pm so I could wake at 4am. However, I would wake up at 2am often for the first 6 weeks. Also, I was consuming primarily red meat and consuming over 200 grams of protein a day. ## Week 2


**Not flexing**


**Flexing** I had to cut back on the cardio to every other day. Started seeing 5-10 lb gains in various weight lift exercises. Still doing yoga 2-3 times a day. ## Week 3


**Not flexing**


**Flexing** I stopped doing cardio. I decided that I was burning too much calories and I felt I was not helping my muscle and strength gains. I opted to focus on cardio after this creatine stack was over. Still seeing 5-10lb gains. Muscle soreness was on setting good but would clear in one-two days. Yoga started to become 1-2 times a day. ## Week 4


**not flexing**


**Flexing** I incorporated some DHEA and natural testosterone boosters to boost my hormones. I would have got these sooner but financial restraints prevented it. ### Muscle Attack(DHEA) by Crazy Muscle *


[Source]( >Here Is How All The Compounds In Muscle Attack Work Together >1. Increase T Production DHEA - A vital mother hormone manufactured by your adrenal glands. It is two steps away from T on the metabolic Pathway - meaning it converts to T especially when your pituitary gland signals your body to increase production. It also can help to metabolize body fat. Tongkat Ali - Has been shown to support male hormonal balance (including T availability), libido and performance. Tongkat Ali is a Southeast Asian botanical known to substantially increase T levels (scientific abstracts note increased T levels of up to 400%) and anabolic activity. Used traditionally to enhance energy levels, endurance and stamina, and to reduce occasional mental fatigue. Tribulus Terrestris - Increases T levels through the action of Luteinizing Hormone. LH is a pituitary hormone that tells your body to make more T. >2 - Maintains T Production Zinc Gluconate - Supplemental zinc in the male diet has long been known to increase and maintain high T levels in the body. A.M.U. - Avena Sativa extract, Mulra puoma extract and Urtica Dioica extract are herbs naturally found in nature that work to free any Te that becomes bound to various compounds within the body. >3 - Protects Against Side Effects Saw Palmetto Extract - Blocks the conversion of T to DHT. This in turn keeps more free form of T to float around in the system instead of being converted to DHT (which is responsible for prostate problems, and has been known to cause baldness). Chrysin - Has anti-estrogen effects in the body and to also inhibit excessive Cortisol production. [Source]( ### Test-1 Boost by Crazy Muscle *


[Source]( >What To Expect When Taking Test-1 Boost Test-1 Boost can be used when trying to put on mass or lose fat, as well as numerous additional benefits. Expect to sky rocket strength and power, improve stamina and endurance, train harder than ever, and boost your muscle mass. With normal dosages, there have been no side effects reported. Why do you spending 1 - 2 hours in the gym 4 - 5 days a week in the gym putting yourself through unnecessary pain and sweat? More than likely, part of why you are doing it is to make yourself more attractive. Higher T levels improve your ability to be confident, smooth, and the ability to ultimately attract the person you want to spend time in the bedroom with. [Source]( I did 8 weeks with these hormone boosters. I also got a product called CLA during this week. ### CLA by Crazy Muscle *


[Source]( >How Does CLA Work In The Body? CLA acts on the PRAR system (molecular signaling receptor) to influence fat burning, inflammation, glucose, and lipid metabolism. While thermogenic fat burners speed up the metabolism and burn body fat for energy, CLA helps block your body from turning dietary fat in food into actual body fat. The best type of food to obtain CLA from is certified organic, 100% grass-fed beef and cheese. Unfortunately, there's not enough CLA found even in the highest quality of these foods. To get the suggested dose of CLA daily naturally from food for optimal fat burning potential, one would have to consume multiple servings of the above foods. You would likely need to spend around $100-200/week to get enough from food, depending on age, height, weight, gender, activity level, etc. All else equal, CLA is effective for losing fat while maintaining lean muscle. Plus, CLA works the same for men and women. Results vary, but you should see the effects of CLA within a few weeks of taking it. [Source]( I kept seeing gains of 5-10lbs on all heavy weight sets. Yoga was still 1-2x a day I did take one day off this week from yoga and exercising. More for muscle exhaustion. The DHEA, I felt immediately. A little more sustained and focused energy as well as slight euphoria. Even the testosterone boosters I felt a steady ragey feeling at night, as It's recommended to take a night. This would cause me to sleep less as the weeks went on but eventually startled. ## Week 5


**Not flexing**


**Flexing** This week was rough. I started having clasic raging symptoms. Lots of tension and unnecessarily amped at night. My libido was over stimulated. Some acne did appear but nothing too alarming. I was able to do yoga 2-3 times this week. I also continued to see 5-10lb gains on my heavy weight sets. Also no days off. ## Week 6


**Not flexing**


**Flexing** My acne started clearing that really was only on my arms and my ragey side effects started to mellow out. I started to become noticeably leaner. Supposed to be a side effect of the testosterone. I took a couple of days off this week as burn out started happening. Eating red meat everyday has started to weigh me down, I felt. Still saw 5-10 lb gains on my heavy sets. Yoga was only once a day but no days off. ## Week 7


**Not flexing**


**Flexing** I started doing daily Infrared saunas by the end. They did not help with energy levels at first but I was ready for detoxing and sweating, especially not doing my cardio.


>What is an infrared sauna? Unlike a traditional sauna, infrared saunas don’t heat the air around you. Instead, they use infrared lamps (that use electromagnetic radiation) to warm your body directly. “These saunas use infrared panels instead of conventional heat to easily penetrate human tissue, heating up your body before heating up the air,” explains physical therapist, Vivian Eisenstadt, MAPT, CPT, MASP. An infrared sauna can operate at a lower temperature (usually between 120˚F and 140˚F) than a traditional sauna, which is typically between 150˚F and 180˚F. [Source]( I did yoga 2-3 times a day this week. I still saw 5-10 lb gains on my heavy sets. Major burn out after the first 5 days. I took 3 straight days off by the weekend on yoga and exercising. ## Week 8


**Not flexing**


**Flexing** It was a struggle finishing off this week. I did yoga everyday. I saw 5 on gains this week on my heavy sets. The Infrared sauna continued this week everyday as well. ## Any questions? Feel free to leave a comment if you made it this far! --- My personal instagram page focused on Korean Natural Farming: * You can reach me there and see other inputs I am currently working on over there.
Originally posted here:

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