Sunday, September 6, 2020

Immunity, Sovereignty, Speaking Out, Yoga, Tarot - Sending Out Some Lotus Love
We've chatted a lot about curation in Natural Medicine and beyond this week. What is it? Do people read them? Do they find them valuable? Whilst we may very well live in our own bubble (I mean who doesn't, right?) we've come to the conclusion that, by just getting out there and *curating*, our team achieves a number of things: - Shares posts on Twitter and reblogs them on their own accounts and on Natural Medicine accounts - Drops the best in for OCD curation - Earns their own HIVE which feeds back into the system - Helps out struggling redfish and growing minnows through upvotes, advice and suggestions - Notices the new and undervalued and gives them attention, passing the posts onto others for even more love. And then some! I guess it's kinda what these curations - and Natural Medicine - are all about, is spreading some love and kindness in a world that quite often seems mad. I know I personally love doing them - HIVE bloggers just cheer me up with the amazing things they create, do and write. So yeah - this new curation, replacing 'Weekly Best' is called 'Lotus Love'. Less of a 'cut and paste' curation and more of a 'hey, love this, check it out' kinda thing, and a exploration of the week's vibes on the Natural Medicine leaves and branches that make up the longest growing wellness community on HIVE. We set beneficiaries for some of the mentioned authors, so do give us an upvote and a reblog - we like to share this abundance around.


So whilst you might not like a 'cut and paste' curation post or understand their value, we like to think these are worth reading. By clicking on one or more of these posts and spending five minutes of your day supporting a post we think is worth giving attention to, you help grow the HIVE blockchain and support it's members. And I think that's something worth doing, week after week. I really do. This week it's been all about community - the @theycallmedan iniative asked us to share about our favourite communities on the blockchain. It's been lovely to read praise of our little tribe on the HIVE - kinda gooey heartwarmingly good! We've welcomed lots of new members over the last week or so, and I personally have been enjoying the posts of @gabreilaflores, whose involvement in the community has been awesome. I noticed her because I always love to stumble on a fellow yogini. Yoga's really changed her life - and made it better. I certainly couldn't have survived this year of limited freedom without the freedom yoga has brought me. Gabriela writes: > **I has allowed me to reconnect with myself, love life and discover that i am part of it, it has allowed me to unite and merge with God and everyone as one. and that experience would not change it for anything in this world. Yoga is one of my great loves and its philosophy has allowed me to experience new situations, new ways of being, thinking and growing as a person which have made me who I am proudly now! The truth is that words fall short when that's what it's all about!**


I love the way people's vulnerabilities are expressed through writing. It's cathartic, in a way. I also appreciate vulnerability because it just seems so darn courageous, you know? We're expected to be these strong people and keep it together, when that's not how we are feeling on the inside. But that's okay. We're all a bit tender on the inside. We're all kinda the same like that, don't you think? And HIVE people have got your back when you're down. There's always someone out there having just gone through what you've been through, or going through the same. We are not alone. So many of us are really struggling in this year of viruses, surveillance and the fear we'll lose sovereignity over our own health. Two people fighting that fight on HIVE are @clareartista (check out her 3speak video [here]( and @trucklife-family. There's a lot of worry about how much is being taken away from us in the name of public health, and I know vaccines are certainly going to be a hot topic on HIVE as we head into 2021. I appreciate these two beautiful woman speaking up against our lack of control over our own bodies and voices. > **I know that what we see, what we are allowed to see is mostly a smoke screen, that we need to go beyond and dive deep in order to see the truth of things. I have no faith in mainstream media, why would I when I know it is run by a select few, who control what we see, the same people who wish to control us. I am shocked that so many people who I once considered to be friends, have now started to believe this great divide that is currently being played out in front of us. How suddenly all the freedom seekers are now fascists and Nazi’s. These are people who prior to this would have questioned the MSM, but now, now they simply refuse to see! I believe what I do, because I know it to be true for me. I will always strive for freedom in all aspects of our lives and anything that questions that or tries to take it away will always set off alarm bells for me.** - @trucklife-family. Oh and if you want something that just warms your heart, please do follow @dr-aruna and catch her beautiful videos. This one below is on shifting our focus away from the virus and onto immunity. Honestly, these are really worth watching!
Another video series worth watching on HIVE is @choogirl's, especially if you are interested in tarot, astrology, divination or card readings. It's great to see more of this content come up on HIVE - @tarot911 has been eerily accurate with me over the last week and fairly blown me away with his readings! He's a fairly new user too, so please go give him a follow and given him some support. ### May your week be beautiful, open hearted and full of light. Much love, @riverflows.

BWdivider.png **Would you like a astral reading on HIVE? Check [this post]( for details**

Earn Instantly For Writing Good Natural Health Content

**If you would like to earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on, you can sign up for a free `FREE` account by emailing Read more about us on our [Welcome Page]( We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.** #### Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord [here]( !


**Each week our curators choose one or more beneficiaries for their curation, sending some HIVE out into the world as an abundance gesture. Beneficiaries this week go to @tarot911, @choogirl and @clareartista. Thanks for 'wowing' me with your work!**
Originally posted here:

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