Thursday, September 3, 2020

HEALTH & LIFESTYLE: Common Unhealthy Eating habits, and Lifestyles to be avoided (1)
**Hey Hivers,** Hello and welcome to my blog, my name is Daniel, I'm a biochemist. Hope you're having a wonderful moment wherever you are around the world. I've noticed Over the years that most causes of various sort of ailment is as a result of a constant unhealthy lifestyle which could have been avoided one way or the other, provided one knows the repercussion. Below are common Unhealthy habits or lifestyle you need to avoid ontime. So, kindly follow me as i move on. >>>>>### **Eating late night**


[source]( It is better to know that eating late night is not ideal for our wellbeing. The body secrets melatonin hormone which is responsible for sleep and slowing down digestion between the hours of 10pm at night and 4am in the morning. Eating late within these hours can result in overworking of the digestive system thereby resulting in several health conditions which include, hormonal imbalances, constipation, diarrhea, obesity, increase in blood sugar level and heaviness. So, If you do have to eat late, try having small portion and take meal that are rich in dietary fiber, lean protein, fruits and vegetables. Avoid oily or fatty meals at night because they takes longer time to digest. >>### **Taking meal before fruit**


[source]( It is a known fact that fruits are rich in vitamins and fibre required for faster digestion and bowel movement. Fruits are meant to be taken on an empty stomach at least, 30minutes before meal. Diabetic patience are advised to wait at least 1hour or more before taking meal after fruit. Taking meal before fruits may result in improper nutrient absorption in the body, food poisoning, stomach upset and imbalances. So it pays to eat fruit on an empty stomach before meals at intervals. >>>## **Eating smoked food**


[source]( Though not all smoked food are dangerous, but the smoking process of some meal such as meat can cause carcinogens build up in foods which can be very dangerous to our health. So it is usually recommend that we desist from eating smoked food or wash off smoked carbon buildup in our meals before eating to prevent health related issues such as cancer. >## **Lying down after meal**


[source]( After a meal, the body feels the need to rest as we become full and relaxed. This results in dizziness which gives the tendency to lie down as sleep comes bye. It is also important to know that our bodies are made to digest food in an upright position, so lying down while your body is trying to digest food can lead to indigestion. This recurrent habit can result in a health disorder known as Esophageal reflux disease which can be symptomatic. So it is ideal to wait 2-3 hours after a meal before going to bed. >### **Drinking less water than normal**


[source]( It is no doubt that Water makes up 60% by volume of the human body and is needed to hydrate the body and help maintain a healthy constant internal and external environment of our body. Water flush toxins from our body, promote growth through cell division, differentiation and enlargement, contributes to regular bowel function, boost metabolism, optimizes muscle performance, and regenerates proper and healthy skin. However, failing to drink enough water can result in dehydration and adverse symptoms, including fatigue, headache, weakened immunity, and dry skin and so on. so it is important to constantly drink water to rehydrate our body and boost immunity. >### **holding Urine for too long**


[source]( [Holding urine for too long]( can weaken your bladder muscles over time. This can lead to problems such as incontinence and not being able to fully empty your bladder. This can also result into urinary tract infections due to bacteria build-up within the urinary tract. [Study from medical news]( also show that regularly holding in pee for a longtime can cause the bladder to stretch which may make it difficult or impossible for the bladder to contract and release pee normally. So, If a person has a stretched bladder, extra measures, such as a catheter, may be necessary. As a result of these, it is advisable to constantly empty your bowel for proper body homeostasis. **I'll like to stop here for now and continue later on my next post. I hope we pick at least, a lesson from this.** >##### **kindly visit👩‍💻 [my blog]( and follow me👫 for more update. Your upvote👍, comment✍️ and reblog👈 will be appreciated.🙏**



My name is Daniel Ogunmiluyi aka @daniky. click [here]( to know more about me.


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