Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Rational Testing vs Mass Testing | July 01, 2020


New testing protocols has been discussed today. There will be no more swab testing for Locally Stranded Individuals (LSI) or Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs). We all know that resources, including, test kits, are very limited here in the Philippines, hence, the utilization should be efficiently prioritized. If there's anything we need to take into considerations, is that, local transmission could happen any time and that's when testing is really needed. Our LSI/ROFs are already considered carriers; they are picked up from their point of entry and being transferred to the quarantine facilities. Whether they are really infected or not, it doesn't really matter, because they are already isolated from the community. As long as they are asymptomatic, testing them won't really make a difference. Irregardless of the result, they are to complete their 14 day facility isolation and another 14 days home quarantine.


Based on the latest studies released by CDC and WHO, a person who is a carrier of COVID-19 is only infectious up to 7 days. A 28 day quarantine is more than enough to ensure that this person will not be able to transmit the virus to others. Our fear is leading us to make irrational decisions. Testing is not a cure. The best management for confirmed cases is isolation, unless of course if the patient is critically ill where it needs hospital care. Also, when you get a negative result on your swab test, this doesn't mean you can't get infected anymore. Its not a vaccine. Its doesn't generate immunity. You can be negative today, and a confirmed case tomorrow. I hope you get the point.


Another thing, I hope non-health personnel would entrust the assessment and decision making, as to who needs to be tested or not. We are all aware that some people, who don't have medical background, are also getting involved and its a bit frustrating because its sometimes causing unnecessary waste of resources. They can't accept a confirmed case, and will request for a repeat swab, because they are stuck at denial phase who thinks that positive cases are some kind of a curse. Its not. An LSI/ROFs who is a confirmed COVID-19 case but has been on quarantine since arrival, and asymptomatic, is absolutely NOT a concern. There is definitely nothing to worry about. I am more scared at those people who are outside, not properly wearing their masks, or worse not wearing a mask at all or those who are hard-headed irresponsible pricks who still don't undertand the importance of social/physical distancing. We need to religiously follow all the precautionary measures rather than demanding for mass testing. Its simply not feasible.


Staying at home is our best weapon. Do not go out unless its extremely necessary. If you're only going out to buy things that's is not needed for survival, or just visiting someone because you miss them, that's extremely selfish, reckless, and stupid. We are in the middle of a pandemic. Let that sink in! This is not the time for travel and leisure. This not the time to go to another town to visit relatives. This not the time to attend birthday celebrations or fiesta. Do you know how many health workers and other personnel on the frontline, who, just like you, misses their families too, and are dying to go home, but they can't? Please do not be an asshole, stay home.


This fight is not just the fight of our government. This is all our fight. We are part of this. Each has its own roles, and we can only win this if we will work together and do our part as well. This is not the time to be divided, to make careless decisions, or be completey useless. If you know you are not performing well and is incapable of doing your job, then please have the decency to step down. The lives of the people depends on our leaders right now, and we can't have someone who is not dedicated enough to fulfill their duties, is only good at "handwashing", and just waits for payday to get the salary he/she don't deserve. All of us needs to keep moving. We can't afford to be incompetent and ineffective because people will die. Again, if you can't do your job, just leave so somebody else can take your position. Someone who is passionate, efficient, and is more capable than you.


All photos are my colleagues, taken using my iPhone, this was when they are preparing to start contact tracing and swabbing of close contacts of our confirmed case a month ago. Its been a while since I created a long post. This is probably my first long post here in Hive. I'm not updated on what's going on now, but I noticed that I'm not receiving any curation rewards anymore. Has it been removed? Anyways, I hope you guys are safe and healthy. I'll probably blog more when this is all over, but I don't think it will be over soon. Please take care, stay sane, and stay home. :)
Originally posted here:

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