Monday, July 13, 2020

Pictures from our Garden (& recipe suggestions)


*** For the past few years, summer was associated with tending our vegetable garden in Maryland. ***


*** Here is my wife picking cucumbers that will go, directly into our table salad — along with homegrown tomatoes that we also use to create our own pasta sauce. ***


*** Another big hit is zucchini—-here’s a picture of our first garden-grown zucchini, from seed :) Sliced thinly and put under the broiler with some good Parmesan on top, or Yes, that's how I ended up preparing it sautéed and with a sharp, nutty Wisconsin’s simple delicious! ***


*** Here’s a picture of some healthy greens picked from our garden and presented in my *Egyptian* coffee table and carpet. ***


*** If you’re in the mood for quiche, maybe some squash? Also, I’ve made an excellent squash soup in the past from our harvest. If you’re more ambitious & capable in the kitchen (such as my mother-in-law) maybe you can attempt zucchini bread? *** And, what better way to cool off in the summer than juicy, chilled watermelon? ***


*** Admittedly, it’s a lot of work, keeping up a garden & a good idea to put up a fence to keep our creatures —- like deer or rabbits —- that might destroy it. ***




*** Thank you, for joining me on this virtual tour and I hope you’re eating healthy, natural foods 🙏🏼✨
Originally posted here:

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