Sunday, July 12, 2020

Not Drinking Coffee Gives Me A Better Sleep

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I had sleep last night and I could say that it is a relatively quality sleep because of the dream that I had, it is not about the dream itself but dreaming while sleeping is a way for our brains to release its pressure so it can be healthy. I had suffered insomnia for so many years which is why getting a normal sleep is like a very new thing for me. When I was still with insomnia I am making it a point to just get a few minute of sleep so it was like a work for me. I tried to sleep until my eyes ached from trying to close it for so long. It is because I know the value of sleep, when you would be lacking from it in a few days you will get crazy for sure. That is why meth users which do not sleep gets crazy. My neighbor, two of them and they are brothers went crazy from using Meth. Their story is an unfortunate one because both of their parents died leaving them in that state. One of then got institutionalized after sometime and died in the institution apparently choking with his own food. Then the other brother also died leaving their younger sister behind and now has a family of her own. Their house is now in custodial agreement to a widow lady by the younger sister, that's their tragic story.


__Too Much Cup Of Joe Is A No-no__
Anyway right now I also have to use a sleep aid like Gabapentin, although I can do without it taking Gabapentin also helps me with my overall pain issues so it is just better for me to take Gabapentin while enhancing my sleep on the side. But right now my head feels like it has a headache although I am not much bothered and the cause was maybe not drinking coffee yesterday. I am just drinking a thin coffee only, almost like sweet water flavored with coffee. It is because I really do not want to be addicted to caffeine because it does ruin my sleep quality. I am better off without coffee but I still drink it just to aid me with eating my meals as it helps me to swallow my food. I got indulged into drinking coffee when I was really not able to eat for many years because of anemia. I would just try to swallow a bit of food with the aid of coffee because without coffee I could not possibly eat until after I was able to cut my addiction to it because of the bitter aftertaste I had with my Cinacalcet. Then I was able to replace coffee with pineapple juice and ginger tea. Thankfully I didn't suffer withdrawal symptoms which is why I can forgo in drinking coffee for a day without having headaches. So I am now careful not to overdo in drinking coffee so that I will not get addicted to it anymore.
Originally posted here:

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