Thursday, July 9, 2020

I Bought Another Vitamin C Online Because We Cannot Buy Them From Pharmacies here Anymore

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My mother could not seem to buy our needed vitamin C from both the major and small pharmacies here in our town and the adjacent city and it is a problem to us because for certain our resistance will get low if we would not take vitamin C since as for myself I am used to taking relatively megadoses (about 500 mg) per day so that I will not fall ill to many infections in my system already and of course against colds, flu and possibly against the corona virus. My parents are also taking vitamin C regularly and now for so many years they are not getting the colds anymore. I bet that it will contribute about their longevity which I needed because I really am dependent about their love and support although my mother is also a barrier about my ambitious medical plans. Vitamin C today here in my place is like gold, some just doubled the price, the companies that makes them just are greedy. Well that is the norm now because vitamin C has a high demand and it is selling like a hot cake when they land at the pharmacies people will just buy and take them home. I am glad that people are just valuing vitamin C because it really has a lot of benefits to the body. It makes the healing of wounds faster, it wards you off from ever getting the colds if you take it regularly, you don't get coughs. In my case it gives me resistance from getting coughs considering that my lungs are always saturated with fluids. I am also Hepatitis B and C positive so I am praying that I will also have some benefits from vitamin C in that regard. For the history of my Hepatitis B infection it is believed that I had gotten it from the hospital when I was still a baby when my mother brought me there because I am crying for so long a time. So they discovered that my red blood cells are low so I got a blood transfusion as my mother had told me years later. In the other hand I acquired my Hepatitis C from my dialysis center because they are pooling the dialysis patient's that are B and C positive's dialyzer together prior to reuse or re-washing which is why I got infected with it. I could get angry but that was the risk there and actually prior to my acceptance to the current dialysis center where I go for my treatment they made me sign that dialysis involves risks such as infections like that and even complications of death. So iti just states that the hospital will not be held liable if something bad would happen to me. Well I really have no plans to sue my dialysis center if even I have the means because of the waste of time and money and energy about it. So I just accept my fate and now I am just a dialysis patient with bone complications and positive for Hepatitis Band C and some other numerous complications that I could not enumerate anymore. The order of the day is for me to just support my resistance against infection and pray that I will not get to succumb from the virus that is already in my body. I also wanted vitamin C to help my parent's resistance to the said colds and possibly the CoViD and more. Vitamin C is not just a vitamin, it helps us absorb the iron from the food that we eat and makes our bodies strong and our minds fit cognitively thus making us smart (at least for learning brains of children) it is because healthy red blood cells oxygenate the cells of the body well making it strong and the cells of the brains making most people to get healthy and smart brains for that matter. So everyone should take vitamin C regularly, you could say that you can just eat fruits and vegetables but with a ready 500 mg vitamin C in a tablet form cannot be delivered by eating fruits as you have to eat tons of fruits in order to get 500 mg of vitamin C and even if you can eat large amounts that would not be so practical anymore.
Originally posted here:

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