Friday, July 17, 2020

Hoping the weather is good for the weekend, hubby has more health problems 😷🥼
Yay Friday is here, the weekend is around the corner, 2 mornings pleasing myself whether i get out of bed or not. I make a point of pulling myself out of bed to do little bits around the house bu at the weekend hubby is off so we have 2 days relaxing. Depending on what the weather is like. I am not listening to the weather forecasts, i will just wait and see what the weather is like when i get out of bed.

South shields.jpg

Taken from Google We have nothing planned but if the weather is nice i would like to go out to take a few photographs of the town i live in, a lot of people have never heard of South Shields, we don't have the best weather but do have loads of things to do here especially if you have children. I have been out to check on my plants and seedlings, everything is looking good, i have left he greenhouse open to let some fresh air in as it gets very warm. Mother Nature is saving me a job of watering my plants. I can relax and watch her doing her work from where i am sitting. I can see i have a few dead heads on my rose bush, its best to remove the dead flowers from the plant which will then help the plant to blossom more. I will go out later hopefully the rain will have stopped so i can go do a little snail hunting and close up my green house until tomorrow. *On to other things* I had to wait from a phone call from my doctors today. With the virus everything is done online so instead of me visiting the practice to get my Asthma checked i now do it online by filling in a form. My Asthma has always been easily managed until this year, i have started waking up coughing and feeling more out of breath. The Doctor phoned me and went though the form again. She gave me advice and sent me a personalised Asthma plan. I have to keep my inhaler close by plus i need to take an antihistamine everyday over the Summer plus she will phone me back in 3 weeks to see if there is any improvement, if i feel things are getting worse i have to phone them. I can feel a change in my Asthma, i am waking up coughing a lot something i never used to do plus getting out of breath when i am climbing stairs etc. Hubby has been to the Doctors again as he has found a lump on his leg, what with that and his hernias he isn't very healthy at the moment, hopefully the lump is nothing serious and they quickly get his hernias sorted. We can't do much whilst he is like this, as soon as he gets the all clear i will have a list of jobs that have accrued whilst he as been laid up. Its now time for my weekly go on bingo, hopefully i have more luck on there.
Originally posted here:

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