Monday, May 4, 2020



Dang it. I already missed a day. But no more! I’m holding myself accountable for doing this WHN every single day. I may even make it into some sort of a newsletter. Anyhow, here‘s what we have for today! [Recollecting on the “Hong Kong Flu” that resulted shutdowns decades ago]( Woodstock took place smack dab in the middle of this prior flu pandemic. Not mentioned in this article but of interesting note is that the book “The Invisible Rainbow” speaks volumes about electrical changes to the earths energy grid coincided with this particular flu. Still, nothing was shut down and there was no economic carnage. [Contact tracing: Next in a long line of privacy infringements that don’t look to be subsiding anytime soon]( This has been in the news quite a bit lately. Just when you think that your privacy couldn’t be destroyed anymore, the clowns and technocrats at Silicon Valley manage to sink deeper into your life. While they claim that they will “stop the app” when the “virus” is ”adequately contained”, this seems like another clever use of words since there are so many talks of “second waves” and more in the future which will likely lead to a return of lockdowns...possibly keeping this “tracking app” in use for years or decades to come. [Some life lessons from CNN]( This a little more like comic relief as I would never look to CNN for any sort of advice on anything even coming into the same stratosphere as topics like health, news or anything else of substance. But it is interesting to hear CNN even defending people for going outside and walking with family and friends. People do have the habit of trying to corona-shame others on social media, usually just resulting in them showing how little they know about health in general but also giving an interesting little nudge to their social justice warrior friends who will gladly chime in. Anything to be part of the group. [Liberals loving their enslavement, begging for it even]( Not to make this a political topic, but I do have very short patience for the Uber-lefties in America. Why? Because they constantly want to butt into other people’s business and use emotional ploys to attempt and justify it. They want to take your guns. Why? Because they care so much about the safety of people, and you’re evil if you disagree. They want to force vaccinate you. Why? Because you’re killing babies and children and hate them both if you are against vaccination. They want to take your money. Why? Because the evil billionaires and business owners have too much, and we need to make the sure the lazy, unmotivated Wal Mart clerks get paid more for providing no new services. California epitomizes all of these things, unfortunately. Perhaps that’s why so many people have been leaving that state in droves for years now? [Taiwan, like Sweden, did not destroy and enslave their entire country and golly-gee they had relatively extremely small impact from Covid-19]( I had posted on facebook (first mistake) about how tyrannical and unnecessary the lockdown in the U.S. and my home city of Denver was and how people could sit back and just watch the government quite literally destroy everything (which it tends to do). Someone then of course replied with a post about Sweden and how terrible and sick the entire country would be since they weren’t adhering to the Gates Foundation sockpuppet WHO guidelines. I told her we’d have to wait and see. A month later crickets. Sweden did not have a huge spread of the virus, because the virus does not exist as many people seem to whole-heartedly believe. Not to say something is not going on, but there is no “virus” spreading from person to person and floating through the air. Sorry folks that’s just the truth of it. So naturally I fully expected the crickets when Sweden and now as we see Taiwan have shown essentially nothing but a flu season even without destroying their countries. Taiwan of course is demonized because it is very anti-China and that does not bode well with one of the largest and most powerful countries in the world. We should see these types of events as ways to learn that you don’t have to knee-jerk and destroy the entire economy and livelihood of countries simply because someone on the television says so. So there you have it with a small sliver of World Health News...and until we meet again, Namastay healthy. [Steemit]( [Hive]( [Instagram]( [Uptrennd]( [Facebook](
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