Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Do it the Ripe Way - Selecting Delicious Fruits

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The first time I tried a persimmon, it was crunchy and actually a bit pale on the inside. I was not crazy about persimmon at that time, but since persimmon is one of the very few fruits available in wintertime in Germany, I had some now and then. Two seasons passed and I stumbled across a Youtube video from some raw foodie who was eating persimmons. I almost didn’t recognise them though since the texture was so very different from the ones I was used to. It turned out, that I just have been eating them in their unripe state all the time. Who could have guessed since they were only sold this crunchy at the supermarket. So next time I bought some, I let them sit and sit and sit till they became super soft outside, almost and sometimes literally bursting open. Then I tried them and I was blown away - so sweet and creamy just like a very delicious candy. *A whole different experience!* That actually happened to me with so many fruits - papaya, bananas, mango, pineapple or mamey sapote. I either just didn’t know the perfect state of ripeness at first or had no idea how to detect it. In case you’ve tasted a fruit before and didn’t like it, maybe you’ve just not caught it in its prime time. So give all those amazing fruits a second chance, find out how to enjoy them the best way and dive in to the juicy goodness once again! *And if you still don’t like them - well, then you got thousands of other colourful fruits to choose from.* 💫 You could use some inspiration how to turn your fruits into delicious nice cream, salads or smoothies? Then check out my ebook [„Raw Vegan Abundance“]( with 55 delicious and healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time.
### Have fun exploring! Anais

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Hungry for some healthy nuggets? * [Veggie Power - How to Enjoy Their Raw Side]( * [Staying Juicy: Healthy Through Hydration]( * [THINKING RAW: A Sharp Mind with Raw Fruits?]( Inspiration for a more compassionate, conscious lifestyle: * [30 Conscious Home Activities - Heal, Grow and Expand]( * [The Natural Movement - Barefoot Shoes and Earthing]( * [Become a Green Hero - 12 Steps to Less Plastic Waste]( ✨ Explore your full potential with me: * [Lucid Dreaming - The Starter Kit for Adventurers]( * [Ritual of Forgiveness - It's Time to Free Yourself](
Originally posted here:

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