Tuesday, May 19, 2020

30 Conscious Home Activities - Heal, Grow and Expand

Every challenge in life also brings along new opportunities. Yes, many of us are stuck at home right now, feeling a bit bored, useless and lazy at times. In those moments, remember yourself how you could use this free time to have fun, learn something new, expand your knowledge and wisdom. In a few weeks some of us might crawl out of this experience like a bear waking from a long winter’s sleep, but we can also jump out of the house radiantly and light, having enjoyed ourselves and grown with our daily adventures at home.

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**Here is a list of 30 fun and simple things you can do at home that can entertain, educate and expand yourself:**
**1. Board or card games** I am a total game lover and the only thing holding me back from playing card or board games every day is the lack of people around me that are crazy about games as much as I am. Some of my favourites are Wizard, Take 5, Settlers of Catan and Scrabble. **2. Jigsaw Puzzle** **3. Playing or learning to play an instrument** **4. Singing along your favorite songs** **5. Dancing** **6. Listening to music** **7. Drawing / Coloring** **8. Play with your dog, cat or other furry friend** **9. Calling someone you haven’t talked to in a while** **10. Writing someone special what you appreciate about them** **11. Discuss questions of life with your friends or family** Why are we here? What is our purpose in life? Where will we go? What’s the meaning behind all of this? Is there something bigger than ourselves? **12. 5 Days of You challenge** The conscious media platform Collective Evolution (CE) developed a free challenge including meditation and worksheets to get in touch with your own truth and start living your life more authentically. Access the whole challenge [here](https://cetv.one/programs/the-5-days-of-you-challenge) **13. Journaling** This can come in so many shapes and forms and there are no rules about how to start. Nevertheless, here are a few things you can play with: Writing down your challenges of that day, what you learned from them, something that inspired you, what you are proud of, things you are grateful for that day. **14. Your perfect day** Think about how your perfect day in a perfect life would look like. Visualize it in great detail as if you would have already achieved that life and think about how it would feel, how you would show up, how other people would approach you. All that accompanied by a blissful feeling of gratitude. **15. Meditating** There are many forms of meditation with so many different benefits. I can highly recommend the [Twin Heart Meditation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N884jNJJpGc) developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui for inner peace, physical and emotional healing as well as more loving kindness towards others. **16. Reading a book** Our favourite kind of books are spiritual adventures. A few that really inspired us are the book series “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield and “His Dark Materials” by Philip Pullman as well as “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. Find more suggestions on our website in the [Explore](https://www.rawexpansion.com/explore/explore-books/) section. **17. Soaking up the sun and deep breathing** This not only feels good but also helps you to strengthen your immune system and to regenerate on many levels. **18. Listening to an inspiring podcast** I really enjoy the [Rich Roll podcast](https://www.richroll.com/category/podcast/) for its diversity in featured guests. The plant based ultramarathon runner invites people to discuss topics around plantbased nutrition, athletic performance, spirituality, lifestyle design, conscious business and more. **19. Learning a new language** Current apps make it very easy and affordable to learn a new language at home in an entertaining and light way. **20. Lucid dreaming practice** Include small practices into your day that help you to intentionally induce lucid dreams. Learn more in our recent [Lucid Dreaming](https://www.rawexpansion.com/blog/2020/02/lucid-dreaming-your-starter-kit/) post. **21. Writing with the non-dominant hand** While writing in your journal you can train writing with the hand you usually don’t use. This not only improves your visualisation skills, it also teaches you patience and mindfulness. If you are not into journaling, you can also grab a book or article that you want to learn something from and copy its content. **22. Trying new raw recipes** Not only help fruits and veggies to boost your immune system, they can also be very uplifting. This is a perfect time to create some new recipes that not only excite your taste buds but although strengthen your body on different levels. You can find some inspiration in my new ebook [RAW VEGAN ABUNDACE](https://www.rawexpansion.com/raw-vegan-abundance/) with 55 vibrant recipes along with lots of practical tips on how to thrive on a healthy diet.

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**23. Going on a cleanse** No matter if you feel super fit and healthy or in need of some healing powers right now. A detox can help you to reboot your system, remove any constructions and help your body work in more balance again. Check out our blog post about [detoxification](https://www.rawexpansion.com/blog/2019/11/detox-your-system-a-beginners-guide/) and how you can approach it. **24. De-cluttering your closet** If getting rid of some of your belongings seems like a scary thought for you, check out our post about how [minimalism](https://www.rawexpansion.com/blog/2019/09/minimalism-as-new-abundance/) can create more abundance in your life. **25. Cleaning up your house** The windows could need some more clarity and your fridge already got sticky? Not everybody might enjoy cleaning the house, but remember how clear-minded and fresh you feel after giving it a good cleanse? Put on some happy music and let’s get started. **26. Cleaning up your desktop and email inbox** **27. Exercising** In many countries the gym is closed, some people are not even allowed to leave the house except for grocery shopping. I always loved online videos for exercising since it gives me so much flexibility and is much more motivating than doing your own thing. Since my partner and I are both into yoga, he enjoys getting fitter with “[Yoga with Tim](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCciuZl2ydLCvN5txlLW0rIg)” while I like to follow the downward dogs of “[Boho Beautiful](https://www.youtube.com/user/cexercize)”. **28. Take a long bath** For a calming effect, you can add sea salt and a few drops of lavender oil and as a natural hair treatment, I like to smear some papaya into my hair, let it sit for half an hour before rinsing it out. **29. Cuddling up in bed with your partner** **30. Watching an inspiring documentary** When you are feeling like relaxing big time, but don’t want to fall into the binge watching trap, dive into some exciting documentaries and learn something important for your life. Check out the [documentary suggestions](https://www.rawexpansion.com/explore/explore-documentaries-videos/) on our website.
**Stay bright and light, everyone!** **Anais**
💫 If you want more daily inspiration about raw food, vibrant nutrition, holistic health and conscious lifestyle - check out my [Instagram account](https://www.instagram.com/rawexpansion/) or the [Raw Expansion website](https://www.rawexpansion.com).

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🍓Hungry for some healthy nuggets? * [Raw Vegan Lifestyle: What I Eat in a Day!](https://hive.blog/vegan/@rawadventuress/raw-vegan-lifestyle-what-i-eat-in-a-day) * [The Big Green Question: Is Organic Really Necessary?](https://hive.blog/hive-123046/@rawadventuress/the-big-green-question-is-organic-really-necessary) * [The Dream Come True - Healthy Ice-Cream for Breakfast](https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@rawadventuress/the-dream-come-true-healthy-ice-cream-for-breakfast) 🚲 Inspiration for a more compassionate, conscious lifestyle: * [The Natural Movement - Barefoot Shoes and Earthing](https://www.rawexpansion.com/blog/2020/02/the-way-we-move-barefoot-shoes-and-earthing/) * [Become a Green Hero - 12 Steps to Less Plastic Waste](https://www.rawexpansion.com/blog/2019/09/12-steps-to-less-plastic-waste/) ✨ Explore your full potential with me: * [Lucid Dreaming - The Starter Kit for Adventurers](https://steemit.com/life/@rawadventuress/lucid-dreaming-your-starter-kit-to-success) * [Ritual of Forgiveness - It's Time to Free Yourself](https://www.rawexpansion.com/blog/2019/09/ritual-of-forgiveness-free-yourself/)
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/lifestyle/@rawadventuress/30-conscious-home-activities-heal-grow-and-expand

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