Monday, May 25, 2020

Gardasil and The Tragedy of Colton Roger Berrett

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The above video is an excerpt from the Documentary 'Vaxxed II'[1]

Over the past decade I have heard thousands of devastating accounts from parents who have witnessed their children go from healthy active children to total incapacitation and even death, but this story, this one took my breath away.

The following is taken from the obituaries pages[2] of the local press in Ogdan, Utah where Colton lived with his parents:

Colton was born March 13, 2000, in Ogden, Utah, to loving parents, Robert and Kathleen Butler Berrett. He is survived by his parents; brother, Gavin; sister, Kaitlyn; grandparents, Russell and Linda Berrett, Ralph and Janet Butler; and many uncles, aunts and cousins who love and supported Colton.

He attended North Ogden Elementary, Farr West Elementary, Wahlquist Jr. High and was currently a senior at Fremont High School where he is admired and loved by all who knew him.

He was a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where he served faithfully in his priesthood capacities. Colton was a great example of the principles he lived by and was fortunate to have such great leaders and teachers throughout his life.

Coltons life drastically and unexpectedly changed at the tender age of 13 due to an adverse reaction to the Gardasil Vaccine, causing him to become completely paralyzed from the neck down and ventilator dependent. Colton faced this trial with courage and strength as he regained use of his legs and half of his left arm.

Colton was known around the world for his infectious smile! His warm personality and great sense of humor will truly be missed. He was a beacon of hope, light and faith. His strength, resilience, courage and determination made him an "Iron Man" in our eyes.[2]

The obituary does not state the cause of death, but as the video said Colten took his own life on January 5th 2018.

While the official cause of Colton's injury was attributed to the Gardasil Vaccine, vaccine advocates did as you would expect, flooded the internet with their scepticism over the cause of injury.

Coltons injury occurred three weeks following his final Gardasil shot, prior to this Colton was a healthy, happy and active teenage boy. Something happened, that is clear and when you consider the thousands of accounts from other teenagers all over the World and their similar reactions, which they also attribute to the Gardasil Vaccine you do have to ask the question, just how safe is the Gardasil Vaccine?

Jasmin Soriat, 19, suffered neurological symptoms after having a second dose of the injection and suffered respiratory failure three weeks later.

The pathologist who examined her body has said the vaccine could have been the cause of her death.[3]

Jasmin's story along with hundreds of other HPV Vaccine injury accounts can be found in the Documentary 'sacrificial Virgins'

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[1] Vaxxed II



Originally published on our website over at OYE NEWS :

Originally posted here:

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