Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How your thoughts affect your physical body
Years ago, after vigorous research into health and nutrition, I came to a startling conclusion that changed my life forever. I realized that all disease originates from within and so the health of an individual is the direct consequence of that person's treatment of their body through nutrition and holistic lifestyle choices. But more than that, I realized that by thought alone one could attain health. And guess what happened ever since that day? I never got sick. Not once. In almost ten years the most I ever got was the tiniest itchiness of the throat which I immediately realized was due to dehydration...a very easy problem to solve. Here, I will explain exactly why your thoughts and emotional state control the health of your body regardless of outside circumstances. This is crucial information in the age of the largest hoax ever concocted on the human race, the COVID-19 hoax. ## The mind-cell connection


image courtesy of The vagus nerve is a primal nerve that allows communication between the digestive tract and the brain. It is a direct connection for information flow and it flows both ways meaning that 1) issues and distress in the gut are relayed to the brain, affecting mental function (brain fog) and 2) thoughts in the brain are relayed to the gut conversely. Negative thoughts can thus affect the gut directly. This is one reason that [depression can cause gut microbiome distress]( and vice versa. One thing that many people do not realize is that the body is comprised of [90% bacteria]( and these living organisms react to our thoughts and actions. You could think of these microorganisms as small townships in a larger world (our body) and the thoughts that we send through the vagus nerve is the government. And, like the government in real life, it is easily corruptible and open to a multitude of thought streams and ideas, all reflecting on the health of individual microbiota dispersed throughout the entire body. [The thoughts in your brain and mind have profound effects on the health of cells and bacteria throughout the body]( and so how you perceive the world has direct consequences on how these cellular structures act and live. One scientific way of understanding these issues is through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, both which rely heavily on the thoughts that we create. Sympathetic is the "flight or fight" response and results in blood flowing to muscular tissue and adrenal glands...which helps us to cope with stressors in real life. However, chronic sympathetic state results in adrenal fatigue and system overload. This results in "burnout" where one has no desire to function normally and may even feel lethargic and unmotivated in life in general. This is a key component of what we have before us today with this gigantic COVID-19 hoax. This state of perpetual fear and hesitation literally burns out vital organs and [lowered immune system function]( which will be a key factor as I will detail below. Parasympathetic state is the state of rejuvenation and recovery. It is the healing mode. This state is the result of a calm and collected state of mind. Meditation is instrumental in [creating a parasympathetic state]( and is one reason that those that meditate regularly tend to be less sick and have more mental "acuity" meaning they can focus better on tasks at hand. The beauty of these nervous system states is that it is completely controllable by the mind alone. Fear has been noted as False Events Appearing Real and this is encapsulated by the current COVID-19 fraud which places people in states of perpetual fear and hesitation which causes a chronic sympathetic state of mind and thus lowers immunity and brain function, causes adrenal fatigue among other things and also sends signals (via vagus nerve) to the gut microbiome causing untold distress. Quite literally, when we are in states of fear, we are telling our body and bacteria that there is a threat and we place them on high alert. Short term, this is not a bad thing, as in when there is a real threat (a tiger is chasing you) but again chronically elevated this creates overload on the hormonal systems. So, by controlling one's thoughts and focusing on gratitude, love and other positive factors we can move into a healing parasympathetic state and [heighten our immune systems]( allowing our health to be recovered or maximized. Again, meditation and mindfullness are key to this. ## The fear construct and the failing medical paradigm


image courtesy of The current medical paradigm, hijacked by the Rockefeller family and cronies over one hundred years ago, is bent on one fact: Fear. The entire allopathic paradigm (drug based medicine) is predicated on the idea that sickness comes from outside the body, or worse, genetics, and that only outside intervention via drugs and costly surgery is the key. Just watch a little television (I don't recommend it) and you will see that symptomatic response is the key to this current system. Everything is bent off the idea that you don't *control your own health* and that drugs are necessary to "fix" your problems. Absolutely nothing is said about natural remedies or god-forbid mental tactics to control one's health and wellness. We see this firsthand with the current COVID-19 hoax where every single piece in the media is about a new drug or "therapy" (code word for drug). The only way to save humanity is to get a universal vaccine from a billionaire planned parenthood eugenics loving money hungry scoundrel by the name of William Gates. Nothing is said about zinc, vitamin C, meditation, or any other holistic measure. Because when you control your thoughts and impact your health companies like Syngenta, Merck, Pfizer, and others don't make money and this is ultimately what its all about. The modern medical system is predicated on making massive profits and those profits must rise exponentially over time for the fiduciary duties to these drug cartel's shareholders. The entire system is a scam from top to bottom and most doctors and nurses will simply never see that this is the case because their education systems were paid for by the aforementioned drug cartels. In short, this medical paradigm is one gigantic, monumental scam masquerading as the key to health. Nothing could be further from the truth. The point of this little medical rant is simple: the system is built off a desire for money and the health of the individual is secondhand. They don't care about your health or wellness, they care about profits because they are psychopathic entities at the top of the medical pyramid. Doctors and nurses mean well but have no idea what they signed up for. They aren't there to help you be healthy, they are there to keep you sick and enslaved...period. While I do not condone fear mongering and focusing on hateful ideologies for obvious reasons, it is imperative for the reader to know just what we are in for here with this system. It was hijacked by the original snake oil salesman [William Rockefeller]( who quite literally traveled the country, cheating on his wife numerous times and peddling snake oil. This is the man that single-handedly hijacked the medical system. Before this demon came on the scene there was a huge rise in the use of vibrational healing techniques and the use of holistic therapies which were hugely successful. Only after the oil tycoon Rockefeller used his immense fortunes did the system shift towards drug [based therapies based on petroleum based drugs]( which made his family an absolute fortune and caused the complete destruction of what was hopefully going to be a golden era of healing. Fear is the ultimate system of control. It is a currency in its own regard. It makes people think they are limited and causes them to rely on these outside measures for their health. This goes against the very nature of humanity and health as it is the *mind* that controls our health. Sure, outside interventions are needed here and there for emergencies (broken leg, etc) but we control our health through our mind. Our mind creates the thoughts, which create the frequencies needed to facilitate healing and rejuvenation. These frequencies transmit throughout the body via organs such as the vagus nerve and impact our cells independently. Your mind controls all. ## Conclusion I could go on and on and on about the criminal enterprises attempting to tell us as humanity that we are not in control of our health. Viruses. The incessant multitude of propaganda coming out of mainstream media, peddled by pharmaceutical goons to create customers out of humans. But the real idea here is paramount to health. Thoughts control emotions, emotions create hormonal responses and these hormonal responses dictate how our bodies react whether it be healthy and vibrant or disastrous and deleterious. The choice is yours. I think, as I noted at the very beginning, that the idea implanted that we control our health has massive implications. It proves the entire disastrous medical paradigm to be the fraud it is, this COVID-19 fraud (more on that in later articles) is just one more tool by the powers that be to control humans and to convince us that there is a boogeyman out there waiting to get you. Of course it is always something invisible and untraceable (much like terrorists) that is the threat. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are monumentally powerful beings...spiritual creatures having a human experience. Our minds are infinitely powerful and dictate what happens to our bodies, period. One must simply pull aside the veil of propaganda and relentless fearmongering, realize their inner self and true potential, and all sickness can be availed. And that is a thought I will continue to promulgate until my last dying breath on this planet.
Originally posted here:

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