Thursday, May 28, 2020

CBD for Weight Loss: Does it Work?


Losing weight is no easy feat. When you’re struggling to shed a few pounds and nothing is working, it feels like an uphill battle. And the more you keep getting little to no results, the more de-motivating it is to go to the gym and choose a salad over Pizza Hut. So you’ve been on the hunt for a new method to achieve your weight loss goals, and you’ve heard rumours that CBD may be the answer. But is it just another scam? Unlike all those diet pills and vibrating machines you’ve tried in the past – will CBD actually help you with your weight loss journey? Today, we’re digging deep into the current research around CBD for weight loss to get to the truth. By the time you finish reading this post, you’ll know exactly: What is CBD? What are the potential weight loss benefits of CBD? What dosage you need to take to see results? Let’s dive in! ### What Is CBD? CBD is one of over 100 compounds found in the cannabis plant, and it’s gaining a lot of popularity in the health world. Why? Unlike, THC (the psychoactive compound in marijuana), CBD does not cause a high. However, the compound does affect the body in other ways. In recent years, countless studies have shown how CBD helps to reduce anxiety, chronic pain, inflammation and insomnia. The latest claim is that the compound can help with weight loss – but is this true? ### Can CBD Help with Weight Loss? CBD isn’t a confirmed weight-loss tool, but there is a lot of research backing up claims that it can potentially help you lose a few pounds. Here are the possible effects of using CBD to help with weight loss: #### CBD as a Potential Appetite Suppressant “How does CBD suppress your appetite? What about all the munchies people get!?” Cannabis smokers indeed tend to feel more hungry than usual, but that’s caused by the component tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It’s the psychoactive component of cannabis which is not found in CBD products. So how does CBD help you control your appetite? According to a 2018 study, CBD may influence other molecules to block off the CB1 receptor. This receptor plays a vital role in metabolism and food intake. When the CB1 receptor is triggered, it usually stimulates the appetite. By blocking access to it, it may help reduce your appetite and prevent you from overeating. In a 2012 study, scientists tested the impact of CBD, CBN and CBG (all cannabis compounds) on the appetite of rats. The researchers found that CBD and CBG decreased their appetites, while CBN increased it. While this isn’t direct clinical evidence that CBD is a remedy for obesity, the results of both studies are intriguing and warrant further investigation into the topic. #### CBD Could Promote Fat Burn Another exciting way that CBD may benefit your weight loss journey is its ability to activate a process called fat browning. What’s fat browning? It’s when brown fat is stored in fatty tissues instead of white fat. The difference between the two types of fat in our bodies is: White Fat: It’s responsible for storing and supplying energy as well as cushioning and insulating your organs. It’s associated with chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. Both illnesses are caused by having too much white fat in the body. Brown Fat: It helps with generating heat in the body by burning calories. People with more muscle mass tend to have more brown fat. According to a test-tube study, CBD helped “brown” white fat cells. However, human studies need to happen to confirm this potential benefit of the compound. Another way that CBD could help with weight loss is its ability to reduce symptoms related to insomnia and stress. Lack of a good night’s rest and anxiety can slow down the body’s ability to burn fat which can lead to weight gain. By using CBD products to alleviate these symptoms, you can potentially avoid unwanted weight gain. #### CBD Can Help With Metabolic Balance Mitochondria. It’s the part of a cell whose job it is to convert sugars, fats and protein into energy for the body to use. When this part of the cell is out of whack, it becomes harder for your body to make the energy it needs. As a result, the liver converts sugars, fats and protein into fat which makes it that much harder to lose weight. CBD is a potential solution to solving this problem through the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating the activity level of the mitochondria. It can tell the cells to produce more energy or slow down on production as needed, which keeps us in metabolic balance. Recent studies have shown that CBD can help this process by boosting the ability of the endocannabinoid system to control the mitochondria. So if your body is creating more fat than it needs, using CBD can potentially get things back into a metabolic balance. When you combine it with a regular exercise program and a healthy diet, CBD could help reduce overall fat storage. #### People Who Use Marijuana Products Tend to Weigh Less Strangely enough, people who use marijuana products tend to weigh less than those who don’t. In a study of over 50,000 people, researchers found an obesity rate of 14-17% in those who used cannabis three times a week. In comparison, there was a 22-25% rate of obesity amongst those who hadn’t used marijuana in the past 12 months. While researchers are unclear how CBD plays a role, it’s believed that cannabinoids as a whole affect appetite, metabolism and other weight-related functions in the body. Cannabis use also seems to have a direct effect on keeping insulin levels low. In a study that was published by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, it found that marijuana users fasting insulin levels were 16% lower than the rest of the group. ### CBD Dosage for Weight Loss The tricky part of dosing CBD is that it doesn’t affect people the same way. Your genetics, general health, weight and a host of other factors all play a part in how much you will need. For example, someone with more bodyweight or who uses cannabis regularly may need a higher dose. Whereas, a first-time user may only need a minimal amount to feel the effects of the compound. When it comes to figuring out how to dose your CBD for weight loss, the general rule of thumb is to start small and slowly increase. You should only increase your CBD intake every couple of days if you don’t feel any different. It can take as long as 30 days to feel the full range of CBD’s effects. Want more in-depth advice? Read our complete CBD dosage guide where we break down the best CBD product for your symptoms, how frequently you should take it and the standard dose. #### What Kind of CBD Should You Take for Weight Loss? The best kind of CBD to help with weight loss is CBD oil tincture drops or using a vape. If you’re looking for the fastest results, vaping CBD is the way to go. There have been various studies over the years that show inhaling CBD helps your body absorb the compound faster, allowing relief from symptoms within a couple of minutes. The reason? The compound doesn’t have to work its way through your digestive system before it can kick in. If you’re not a fan of smoking, CBD oil tincture drops are the next best option. You can easily adjust your dose, and you can take it in a capsule or add it to your food if you don’t like the taste. ### Should You Use CBD For Weight Loss? Yes, you can potentially use [CBD for weight loss]( The initial results from studies are promising and show a decrease in appetite and a boost in metabolism. However, CBD is not a miracle cure or treatment for obesity. If you add CBD to your weight loss plan and you aren’t exercising or following a balanced diet, you’re not going to see results. At best, CBD is a vehicle that may help you see faster results from your regular exercise routine and healthy food choices. In other words, there are no shortcuts. You’ll still need to hit the gym and avoid the McDonalds drive-through if you’re committed to shedding a few pounds.
Originally posted here:

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