Monday, May 18, 2020

The Hive Yoga Dairy 06 - A Powerful Technique to deal with depression and create happiness.
I have a super power! And I am pretty sure people would love to have this ability. And it can change your life! And the best part It’s not very difficult either.


[Source]( Before I go any further, I need to give a little background. I started blogging on Steemit in 2018. But then after a short while, I was off for two years, until I came back a couple of months back. In 2018 I pretty much had a meltdown after almost a decade of alcohol and drug abuse. As a media professional my peer group was pretty much the same! The smoking, the late night and a rough lifestyle in general ensured that my mind and body caved. The cherry on the cake was that I was flat broke and I had nowhere to go! I was pretty much in the dumps. I wanted to get rid of my habits and become clean and wanted to settle down and pursue what most would consider a productive life. But how do I do it? Anyone who has had any kind of addiction will know what I am talking about! Going to rehab or any such solution was not an option. My folks, relatives and colleagues had no idea about my habits. Even the close friends who knew I used intoxicants were all under the impression that’s it’s just occasional social use. It was this peculiar phase of my life; I was introduced to Isha Kriya. It was recommended via a common friend. I was not exactly the spiritual kinds at that point of time. I was very skeptical. But as someone who has pretty much exhausted all other avenues I though “It’s just a few mins a day” why not give it try? So, I sat through the short youtube clip and read up a bit about it. The meditation had to be done for a minimum of 12 mins a day. However, it was important that one was disciplined in the approach. The meditation had to be done non-stop for a certain number of days. This is to ensure the process and the change sets into the energy system permanently. There were two options. The meditation was to be done for a **minimum of 12 mins.** **Do it once a day for 90 days.** **Do it twice a day. Morning and Evening for 45 days**. I chose the 2nd option. I wanted to get back on my feet quick. It was tough, because if I even missed one session the entire effort would be in vain. It’s like if I missed one session on the 44th day , I would have to re-start from day One ! I started out, initially it was distracting. The pain in the leg while sitting cross-legged, the mosquito bites, the sounds of traffic, the sound of distant music and the non-stop chatter in the mind. They just kept hounding me. But slowly I started to get the hang of it. Initially for a few days I focused on the forehead region intensely to reduce my awareness and focus from the other parts of the body and over time slowly I was able to just focus on the forehead between the eyes. And my mind started to find a strange kind of lightness and calm. **Around the 15th day** – I started feeling light, my mind stopped bothering me too much, I started sleeping better, I started eating a little better. My metabolism stabilized. **Around the 20th day** – I felt my need for alcohol and drugs were reduced. I just did not need them as I did before. I was starting to be sober through the day. In the evenings I would still have my drink and get stoned, however till 7.00 PM every day I was sober, productive and functional. My mind started working with more clarity. I was feeling good. **Around the 30th day** – I had my first NO drinking day. I still did the drugs but the Alcohol, I was able to stay off. I started exercising. I got back to my Muai Thai Pad after almost 8 years. **Around the 40th day** – I had been off alcohol for the past 10 days. Around this time, I had my first NO Drug day in 10 years. I cannot begin the express the feeling of relief and joy I felt as I was lying in my bed before going to sleep. I was sleeping without my contrabands after almost a decade. **On the 45th day** –It was a normal day which just left me feeling good about my life and myself in general. When I looked out of the balcony, I saw the trees were green and that the residential complex lived in was a very good place with lots of parks and greenery. I had never Noticed in the 2-3 years I had been staying there! I went for a walk for the first time in that complex. I sat on the park bench. Watched people. Felt alive. I kept up the practice even after the mandatory period was over. I now do it once a day. I did not want to lose what I had gained. My take on the whole thing after 60 days since I had started the practice is as below: - - I was healthier mentally and physically than I had been in a decade. - I was off all kinds of intoxicants. Please note @ NO POINT did I ever have to use my WILL POWER. The need for the substances just fell away. - My business picked up – money started flowing in again 😊 - I met someone special, and we got married six months later. We got married in the same place/ashram/temple, which is the source of my meditation. My wife has written about it. You can read about it [HERE]( - Basically, my life just sorted itself out. I could now see a way forward to a healthy prosperous and hopefully joyful life. Finally, there was HOPE! So, What’s the super power I have today that I spoke about in the beginning? I can do what every smoker, drinker and drug user dream off. I can drink when I want, smoke when I want and do drugs when I want. But I AM NOT ADDICTED TO THEM ANYMORE. I can choose what I want and drop them when I want. **Initially I stayed away from everything for one whole year. Then post marriage slowly started socializing. I did not want to be the kind of person who has now given up everything and eats just plants and talk about only nice things with a smug smile on the face.** **Today in case there is a social situation like a party or something I can do everything! But when the party is over, I leave those habits there. They DO NOT COME BACK WITH ME TO MY HOUSE. Again, there is not role for “Will Power” here! I don’t have to be “strong” to prevent a relapse. I just don’t feel the need!** Now the person who has been responsible for this transformation is a person known around the world as Sadhguru. Some love him some hate him. Some think he is a mystic some think he is a fraud. In my case I feel it’s irrelevant. He was able to give me something that changed my life and gave me the ability to achieve the things I want in life. And for that I will be eternally grateful to him! Even of he is fake no once can take back what has been given to me ! I will take this opportunity to share the meditation technique with my friends here. Irrespective of the life situation you may find yourself in. THIS CAN HELP :) **The Technique** **The benefits of this practice.** The [PDF document]( with details, in case you want to take a printout. There is also a JPEG below. Please look up [ISHA YOGA FOUNDATION]( for more information.


Hope this helps you as much as it helped me. If you feel the need to clarify anything. Do reach out via the comments. I will be happy to share. If you like our content do please follow @sajannair Regards
Originally posted here:

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