Wednesday, May 20, 2020

VICTORY: Bill Gates' Epic Coronavirus Vaccine FAIL
*So,* in the midst of all this covid *[Plandemic](,* ol' monopolist billionaire, Billy Gates - a.k.a self-appointed global health czar - has been on his predictable rant insisting the world won't get back to "normal" until a vaccine is out. And sure enough, he was investing *alot* in them - with particular hopes/expectations in [a brand new, unproven, untested RNA vaccine technology]( to be rushed out by the end of the year, skipping the usual 5-10 *year* long-term safety trials. Understandably, the public wasn't happy with such a proposition. The Gates Foundation's vaccine programs in developing nations has taken **alot** of heat with [numerous reports of extensive damage being done]( as millions have been treated as guinea pigs. Of course, *some* have credited *him* as the sole savior and reason India erradicated polio - though with near half a million people crippled as unforeseen byproduct of the campaign, along with quite a few other deaths in other countries, and numerous reports of sterilization agents being slipped into vaccines given to millions of women, there's fair reason people worldwide have been rallying against the guy and have been outraged at the proposition that this guy be given authority to dictate what could be forcibly injected into the bodies of billions of people. *Especially* when it's an entirely new form of vaccine with **zero** proof of working or *any* safety record. Well, there's *good news...*

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>Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this morning,the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse. The vaccine,developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates,used an experimental MRNA technology that the two men hoped would allow rapid deployment to meet President Trump’s ambitions “warp speed” time line.Dr Fauci was so confident of his shot’s safety that he waved ferret and primate studies ( Moderna suspiciously reported no health data from its mouse studies)That appears to have been a mistake. Three of the 15 human guinea pigs in the high dose cohort (250 mcg)suffered a “serious adverse event” within 43 days of receiving Moderna’s jab. Moderna did not release its clinical trial study or raw data,but its press release,which was freighted with inconsistencies acknowledged that three volunteers developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the FDA as “Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention. “ Moderna allowed only exceptionally healthy volunteers to participate in the study. A vaccine with those reaction rates could cause grave injuries in 1.5 billion humans if administered to “every person on earth”. That is the threshold that Gates has established for ending the global lockdown.Moderna did not explain why it reported positive antibody tests for only eight participants.These outcomes are particularly disappointing because the most hazardous hurdle for the inoculation is still ahead;challenging participants with wild COVID infection. Past attempts at developing COVID vaccines have always faltered at this stage as both humans and animals achieved robust antibody response then sickened and died when exposed to the wild virus. Moderna’s press announcement heralded “Positive Interim Phase 1 findings”. I have forwarded that claim to my colleagues in securities law;FTC rules restrict the amount of lipstick public companies may slather on bad donkeys. >~ [source: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Instagram](
*Yes folks,* it seems there *is* some hope for common sense and sanity after all. Had such an epic failure *not* happened, it's probable that the vaccine could have been rushed to market, pumped into hundreds of millions of people, and had ridiculously horrible side effects over an extended period of time. (And *unfortunately,* it's *still* a possibility that another *might*.) However, with such an event, we could reasonable expect more people - *policymakers included* - to question *what the fuck we're doing* trying to solve imaginary problems by injecting ourselves with toxic bullshit fucking people up, rather than taking some goddamned personal responsibility for *boosting our own immune systems.* Surely, the war may wage on between logical reason and dogmatic belief in magical potions, though it seems an important battle here *has* been won as the tyrants have shot themselves in the foot. Meanwhile, on the topic... *Was the historical story of the Spanish Flu influenza factually-wrong?* *Can we trust in the mainstream narrative we've been told about **it** and other pandemics, or are there deeper truths to the cause of many deaths during those times that had gotten left out of the history books?* This 3-minute video gives an interesting look at how there may have been a majority of deaths during that epidemic not from the disease itself, but from *the vaccines:*
*Factual? More propaganda?* Who knows exactly. Though, it's worth asking questions. And exploring more on the topic, it seems *even the mainstream media* has had reasonable coverage on cases of vaccination fraud - such as this tale from 60 Minutes on the swine flu vax fraud of 1976:
If it happened once... and it happened again... and it happened again... and again... *Maybe it's all fine this time, and we can just trust our government.* After all, accepting personal responsibility for one's one health and decisions is alot more of a hassle than blindly relying on corrupt political officials and billionaire elites to make decisions on our behalf. And who *doesn't* want some aborted fetal cells, heavy metals, animal DNA, and big list of toxins injected into their bloodstream because it's the cool thing to do according to mainstream media.

For more *excellent* updates on vax news, be sure to follow [Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Instagram](

Originally posted here:

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