Monday, May 25, 2020

Weekly Weigh-In - Another 6 Pounds Down.
Pretty happy... Eating clean and healthy for the most part, lots of exercise and shedding the pounds. I lost another 6 lbs last week. I weighed myself Saturday morning before breakfast and the scale read 287! 286.8 to be exact. I'm down 14 lbs in 3 weeks. My goal for this week is simply not to gain any weight. I weighed myself Saturday because it's Memorial Day weekend here and I was planning on cheating with some food and drink over the weekend. Today is my last cheat day and I'm getting back on exercise and diet first thing tomorrow. I had mentioned in my last post that I was taking a supplement and I'd share a little info on what I was taking. So, today I'll spill the beans. This is not health advice, I'm not suggesting or endorsing any products, I'm just sharing what's working for me. Some of you may recall in previous posts earlier in the year I was thinking about talking to a doctor about Adderall. I often find myself incredibly sluggish and at times find it difficult to concentrate or get motivated. A friend suggested I look into Adderall. I'm not a huge fan of pharmaceuticals and another friend suggested trying an over the counter diet pill claiming I may get similar results without a prescription. So the other day I'm at the dollar store and I see this sample pack of some diet pills. I think there were 5 pills in a pack for 1 dollar. I read the ingredients and liked what I read. The pills consisted of a high dose of caffeine mixed with some ephedra based herbs. Based on the ingredients I suspected they packed a nice punch, and it would only cost me a dollar to try them out. Why not? I purchased the diet pills took one when I got home and discovered they were just what I was looking for. The first day or two they were actually a little strong. I liked them enough to order a two month supply online though. A week later my body had grown a little more used to them, felt much less jittery and the only side effect has been a little insomnia.

These were exactly what I needed. I wish I would of discovered these a year ago. This may not be a solution for everyone, and this is in no way an endorsement for any product. This is working out great for me though. After the second week, the jittery feelings went away all together. I'm motivated, have no concentration issues, tons of energy and incredible work outs. I take one a day in the morning with breakfast, then workout, and feel great throughout the rest of the day. I have cut down on coffee and tea for the most part. There is absolutely zero need for any additional caffeine intake. I did take a picture of myself at 293 lbs on the previous weigh-in, I thought about posting it here but I'm just not comfortable with it. Maybe, at the end of my weight loss journey, I'll post a before and after pic. So my weight loss goal for next weekend will be to not gain weight. I go back on the diet of clean eating, and exercise tomorrow. If I lose a couple pounds I'll be happy, but the goal is to just not gain any more weight considering I spent the last couple days eating grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. Next week, I'll post a little about eating clean and the types of foods I'm eating.
Originally posted here:

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