Monday, May 4, 2020

Using a hammer to help smash the glass prison that you've put yourself in...

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The world is collapsing, economically speaking. But this post isn't about that. It's about , decadence, laziness and stupidity- for that's the reason behind the collapse. Actually, this post isn't even about that. It's a wake up call. You can't fix stupid, unfortunately - but you can fix ignorance, as they say. Lets get some principals on the table, for it all starts from there. Going into debt for any other reason than avoiding imminent death, is a stupid move. (yes, exceptions abound - such as borrowing hundred dollars to pay for a hire car, to then go and pick up $1,000). We aren't talking about the exceptions, but the principles that apply the vast majority of the time. So....getting into debt is a stupid move. The simple economics of interest calculations tell you this already. I have been stupid in the past, and have gotten into debt. (in my defense, my debt was always more akin to the 'borrow $100 to pick up $1,000 kind). So maybe not so stupid. No, I'm talking about getting into debt for non essential reasons. I want bigger TV, a better car, a nicer house... Now one persons 'essentials' can be another person luxuries, and that is mostly total bollocks. You see, nearly every human being on this planet falls within the same basic needs. It is only your perception that changes, not reality.


Enough calorific intake (and nutrition that goes with it), to be healthy. Somewhere to sleep. Transport. (possibly). And finally.....ah, no, there is no 'finally'. That's about it. The rest is decadence, softness, and twisted perceptions. (and did I mention stupidity?) Because I'm so brilliant and have everything sorted, those not so fortunate would do well to listen to those that DO know. (and having a sense of humor in trying times, is also essential). How much do you _need_ to live? I cannot answer that question. Everyone has different circumstances, but pointers to increasing your quality of life and most probably diet - which is _the most fundamental of all the building blocks to push yourself forwards to 'thinking better' and making better choices_. (your brain functions much better with the correct nutritional balance. Durr.) I'm going to give just one example - a basic thing. I said in my opening, it's laziness and decadence that is the problem. I will take the average cost of living in Europe -you can work out your own local differences, but they are not _that_ different, after looking at various prices online, across 'the west'. Ireland, France, Holland Belgium, Sweden, and Finland fall into the 'average' categories. (UK being lower cost, and Norway being higher costs of living). You get the picture, I hope.


#### Some basic truths... 2 kilos (over 4lb's) of bread flour is enough bread for 2 or 3 people - for the week. That comes in at _approximately_ $4. Yes. Four fucking dollars. The price for yeast, salt, and oil? No more than 20 cents. Energy costs to make the bread? One dollar a week would probably cover it - and if you're efficient and put the bread in the oven with other cooking, it's virtually free. (and if you're buying your flour in larger quantities, the price reduces dramatically). #### So for around 5 dollars or less- a week- you can have all the fresh bread to eat that you want. Admittedly, this does mean that you _can't be lazy_. I mean, to make loaf of bread a day, takes a full 20 minutes from the beginning to the end of the process. _Better quality nutrition, at a fraction the price_. #### _How's that $3 cinnamon roll, and $4 dollar coffee from the local eatery tasting?_ How stupid are you? How decadent are you? How ignorant are you? A cinnamon role and a coffee? Or enough freshly made bread for nearly a fortnight? How decadent are you? How lazy are you? You can't fix stupid, but you can fix ignorance. Decadence and laziness blinds you to the reality, but as the saying goes...


#### Here's the kicker.... #### Over the next few months and years, reality is coming down _your_ street and it won't be taking 'no' for an answer when it knocks on _your door_. Snap out of the decadent mindset, for fucks sake - it's a luxury of the past that you won't be seeing anytime soon.( if at all). Or don't. That's your choice. Are you ignorant ? Or decadent, lazy and stupid? _Other quick tips - Fruit wines for around 50 cents a bottle, by making it yourself. Pickle the cheap vegetables available ***now***, for future use. No nutritional value is lost (for years), in these little jars of pent up goodness_. I might have another rant soon.....I really hope that I've offended some of you out there - out of the glass prison of decadence and laziness that you've put yourself into... If I have, it means that ignorance is at play. (rather than stupidity). Stupid is ugly. #### Ignorance is not ugly at all - it's the potential of opportunity. I'm trying to help. (But you still can't fix stupid).


Have a great day everyone!
Originally posted here:

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