Saturday, May 23, 2020

Scientists Are One Step Closer To Creating Nanobots For Our Bodies


In my last post, I talked about how we will most probably take control of our evolution in the future through mechanical means. This means nature will no longer be in charge of our evolution and we will do it artificially instead. While the topic of this post is not exactly about evolution, it certainly is about creating more resilient human bodies. For the longest of time, we have been hearing about nanobots - tiny robots that can swim around in our bodies to help us in various ways. The concept is really simple. If we are able to create tiny robots that can be injected in our bodies, they can swim around inside fixing everything that needs fixing and fighting off bacterias and viruses to keep us from falling sick. It would essentially be an additional mechanism to keep our bodies healthy and functioning at the optimal level. Now, scientists might be one step closer to finally creating these nanobots. # Cancer-Hunting Nanobots ##### A team of scientists at the Max Planck Society is hard at work trying to create an injectable swarm of nanobots that would hunt down and finish off cancerous tumours in the human body. The impressive part is that these nanobots are being designed look and travel like white blood cells in a patient's veins. This is perhaps the best way to implement such technology. The body wouldn't reject these as a foreign substance and attack them. Currently, it is not possible for the nanobots to move around on their own. They need to be guided around using powerful magnets. So, doctors would guide the nanobots to the location of the cancerous cells and the bots would do the rest of the job. So, in this case, these nanobots are essentially vehicles of drug delivery. They reach the cancerous cells and conduct a targeted drug delivery. Pretty much like how fighter jets travel to the enemy's location and drop off bombs. Right now the scientists are trying to figure out how to viably use these nanobots in the human body. They say that they are still a long ways from making the technology viable. However, when it does come to reality one day, it will surely be a new weapon in our arsenal against diseases.
Originally posted here:

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