Sunday, May 17, 2020

Environmental Systems Resilience | In the framework of the World Recycling Day
We are Energy!

I share today the theme of the Resilience of Environmental Systems because it is closely related to the cycling of nutrients and of course to the management of organic and inorganic waste. The Environmental System that I am going to highlight is Lake Valencia, a body of surface water totally contaminated by anthropic action related to the management of waste of organic and inorganic origin.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed

World Recycling Day is celebrated every May 17

In my opinion

There shouldn't be a day of celebration. It should be celebrated every day since the action.

What action?

Management of our solid waste, whether of organic or inorganic origin. When we make classification in the origin, reuse of materials, cycling of nutrients in the case of organic waste management we are optimizing the energetic use of each material. To recycle is to transform the energy present in it. We must optimize the treatment of our waste once it has been reduced since this action will positively impact our environmental systems, our #pachamama.
Maracay City - Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
View from the Valencia Lake
Environmental system that involves the subsystems water, air, soil, energy and urban area

Environmental systems are complex and are made up of heterogeneous elements in continuous interaction. This interaction will affect each element of the subsystem and each subsystem will affect each other. The environmental problems of any ecosystem must be evaluated from all the systems involved, taking into account that all interrelations are complex and systemic, that is, that each of the variables acts structurally affecting all the others and all together affect each other. When the anthropic action degrades or contaminates an environmental system it is because in some way it is altering the balance of the systems involved.
On a sampling day at Valencia Lake, this event could be observed
From there, it is convenient to begin the presentation of the theme of the Resilience of Environmental Systems by enunciating Le Châtelier's Principle that governs every system in equilibrium. Le Châtelier's Principle states that if a system in equilibrium is subjected to a change in conditions, it will move to a new position in order to counteract the effect that disturbed it and to recover the state of equilibrium. This principle was postulated by Henri-Louis Le Châtelier, a French chemist, in 1884.
This is one of the permanent sources of pollution of Lake Valencia. It is the San Vicente Landfill which, in addition to being practically inside the lake due to its growth without any technical management, generates constant emissions into the air and a large load of pollutants through the leachate generated. Fires are continually being generated in this dump, some spontaneous and others intentional, that is, caused by human action. It is true that the lake has a resilient capacity, but it must be emphasized that this daily, permanent and continuous affectation minimizes the capacity to counteract the effect caused daily, slowing down the recovery of this environmental system. Hence the imminent contamination of this body of water. The resilient capacity of this environmental system has been affected by anthropic action.
__What does it mean that an Environmental System is in balance?__
An Environmental System that is in balance is healthy. An Environmental System is in balance when there is a constant and dynamic state of harmony between all the components of each of the subsystems that form part of the system, which in this case is an ecosystem.

Figura 2b.jpg

In this area Valencia Lake the pollution is less. One of the reasons why this area is less polluted is because no tributary flows into it and there are no human settlements nearby or industrial settlements in the area.
In an ecosystem, multiple relationships of interdependence and interaction are established between each of the components of each subsystem that conforms it, and the different factors that affect such system, whether they are biotic factors (living beings), abiotic factors (lifeless physical elements) or anthropic action (action of human beings), which are subject to processes of continuous regulation typical of nature. If there is no degradation or contamination by human beings, that is, if there is no anthropogenic effect that alters the existing equilibrium, the ecosystems tend to balance out. In this sense, ecological balance is established when environmental conditions are harmonious and stable, thus allowing a dynamic interaction (in time and space) between the species of the ecosystem and its environment. The balance of environmental systems ensures the preservation of natural resources, ensures life on the planet. The ecological balance is affected by environmental pollution, deforestation, industrialization, exploration and exploitation of natural resources, indiscriminate hunting and fishing, among others. It should be noted that when in an Environmental System the balance is altered by anthropic action or by the effect of a socio-natural event (floods, landslides, mass movements, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes) the response will depend on the resilient capacity of this Environmental System.
It is appropriate to define the term Resilience
Resilience is the ability of a system to recover its initial state when the disturbance to which it had been subjected has ceased. Then we can say that the Resilience of an Environmental System is the capacity that these ecosystems have to recover from the degrading and/or contaminating anthropic affections or the social-natural events. This recovery will depend on the level of affectation and the Resilience of the Environmental System, which is closely linked to the specific characteristics of the system. A wetland that has been affected by an oil spill or the same wetland that has been affected by a spill of surface-active substances does not have the same resilience. A moricheal will not have the same resilience as a coral reef, taking into account that the coral reef is a highly sensitive but also highly complex system.
“The good man is the friend of all living things"
(Mahatma Gandhi)
**Stay at home transforming**
Grateful with #Pachamama who every day gives me the opportunity to watch the Miracle of Life
Photographs by @marlenyaragua, part of the research archive
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Until the next post

Originally posted here:

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