Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Winning the Fight With Your Scale



*hit the link to see full post: https://www.publish0x.com/published-by-coach-t/winning-the-fight-with-your-scale-xqonnxk* There are a lot of people out there who let the scale mentally whoop their ass and this is a huge problem. Im going to have a weightloss workout for you at the end of this that might help you, but before we get into that I need to talk to your for a sec! Now if you’re really trying to lose a lot of weight, 50lbs or more, you’ve got to be in it for the long run. And yes your main goal is to lose a lot of weight and get healthy, but you main battle isn’t even with the scale. It’s a weird way to answer the question; but one of the realest answers to the question of “how do I lose weight?” is “everyday”. Its your daily habits that are going to get you there in a way to where you’re weightloss is sustainable. The main battles are in your mindset, changes in habits, and different lifestyle changes. The scale will be up and down along the way. There may be periods where it isn’t moving at all but stick to your game plan. My pace for clients is 4-8lbs of weightloss per month. And that’s just MY pace. Sometimes we’ll lose more, but over the course of the next 6 -8 month of our weightloss journey we want to average about 4- 8lbs of weightloss, and I stick to that. Over the course of your weightloss journey you’re going to see people posting crazy numbers. They’ve lost 30lbs in a month! Or 10lbs this week! That’s great but if that’s not your plan, it’s just noise. Stick to your 1-2lbs a week. Yeah the big numbers are attractive but it isn’t always sustainable weightloss. It may just be a temporary fix. Major weightloss over the course of one week to a month doesn’t leave a lot to time to make lasting changes in your lifestyle and everyday habits. So how do you overcome the take control of the fight? One of the best way to stop letting the scale whoop your as and get a handle on your discouragement, is to have long term gameplan in place. The gameplan is going to keep you on track when times get rough. The long term gameplan is going to keep you consistent. It’s so much easier to execute your workouts when you have a plan to commit to and you know what you’re going to be doing each day. The plan makes it easier to track your progress and asses where you’re at when the weightloss starts to slow up as well. Plan to work and work your plan. Stick to your long term weightloss process and you will achieve. Another big thing is to remember that all you need to be is the best version of yourself. This is your journey and no one else’s at the end of the day. You don’t need to anyone else’s body but your own. love yours! So hopefully the scale isn’t as scary any more. It’s just ONE way of many to look at the changes you’re making to be a healthier you. so enough yapping. Here’s your workout as promise. Be sure to follow me for more insights like this. hope you enjoy!
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/fitness/@bigtakosensei/winning-the-fight-with-your-scale

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