Monday, May 4, 2020

Time To Loose Some Weight & Get Healthy!
I lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of weight back. Last year at this time I ended my strict keto diet and weighed in somewhere around 220 pounds. I never weighed myself at the start of that diet, but I know I was well over 300 lbs. I'm guessing from the way my clothes fit I was somewhere around 320. I'm 6'2" and it doesn't look terrible on me, but I still looked fat :( By the end of last summer I had gained about 40 pounds of that back. I knew I'd gain some weight back, and for the most part I was good with that. At 260, I still looked good, my clothes fit nicely, I was comfortable with that. About a week before the pandemic news got serious I weighed myself and was around 280. I had decided then it was time to get back into weight loss mode. News of the pandemic got serious and instead of diet and exercise I sat in front of the TV for several weeks watching the news and eating much more than I should have been. A LOT of that was just nervous binge eating and about two weeks of beer and whiskey before I decided taking up alcoholism as a hobby wasn't an appropriate solution to this problem. A month and a half later I started noticing the results. A pair of jeans I wear regularly no longer fit. I was incredibly winded mowing the lawn again yesterday and of course the additional body aches and pains that come along with an additional weight load. I weighed myself this morning and to my dismay and shame, I packed on another 21 pounds since the coronavirus outbreak! The Dood now ways a shameful 301.4 lbs! I suppose a constant diet of beer, whiskey and eating whatever you want will do that to you! SMH in shame. This ends now. I'm writing this as a commitment to myself to lose this weight again. I don't think I'm going on strict keto, but I may if I find losing the weight to difficult. For now I'm cutting out refined sugars, continuing with regular exercise, and changing my diet immediately! No more junk food, soda pop, and I'm making much healthier food choices! I'm so disappointed in myself right now. I'll be posting weekly about weight loss again too to help keep me on track.
Originally posted here:

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