Friday, May 1, 2020

Mantras are incredibly powerful tools


We here mantras and immediately thoughts of Yogis sitting in the lotus position with prayer beads come to mind, repeating the same thing over and over for hours on end. The truth though is that mantras are part of every theory of development! Why? Because you’re reprogramming and reinforcing thought patterns. This can be applied throughout the day to avoid distractions and unwanted emotional’s an example: I was driving the other day, made a U-turn and a guy yelled out his window “Asshole!” For seemingly no reason. Naturally, the rage system engaged. I wanted to turn around and zip up to him, thoughts of fists flying, of watching him as a 6’4” ripped dude gets out of the car. Then I just breathed and said “change your mindset change your life”. That is one of my mantras that I got from someone long ago. I stole his mantra! And now, I try to repeat it, throughout the day. Not only does it help me focus and achieve a meditative state, but it also neutralizes events like the one I just described. As soon as I said the mantra I relaxed and moved on and actually had a little laugh at the whole ordeal. This type of event could easily keep someone mentally occupied for minutes or even hours, exhausting vital and essential mental energy that could be spent achieving something of use to the world. Mantras are simple. Write down something that helps aim you in the direction of a goal. Examples would be: ”I am healthy” ”I am wealthy” ”I am powerful” ”I am successful” ”I am attracting great people into my life” ”I am becoming who I want to be” or in my case... ”change your mindset, change your life” I hope this helps anyone out there looking to cultivate focus and positive energy in these rough times.
Originally posted here:

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