Saturday, May 2, 2020

It took the lockdown to help me cultivate a healthy relationship with healthy food.


*I actually look forward to this compared to pre-lockdown* One of the biggest challenges for me has been the way I view food. For years, I believed I really could eat “whatever I wanted” after a heavy workout. And that might be true, for some or even most people. My issue is that “eat whatever you want” doesn’t pair well with a tendency to over consume in the first place. “Eat whatever you want,” for me, meant inhaling every kind of junk food you can imagine. It’s been a slow, steady process over many years, but I’ve found the key is to change “whatever it is” I want. Making healthy food actually taste good, and making it easier to access than fast food, has been a key part of that. I’m still “eating whatever I want,” but what I want now is a huge head of roasted broccoli and two big scoops of rice with soy sauce. That, to me, has been a bigger change than lifting weights. I continue to be amazed at the way my body has responded to not eating out for two months. It is shocking, even though I already knew what the results would be. Just look at the ingredients on any package of processed food. Salad dressing....taco seasoning that has corn starch and sugar...butter that is really not butter...the list goes on. Most restaurants put this shit in our food and we don't even realize it. I'm not quite sure how I can do this, but I have to really reconsider my travel habits. Being away from home means to some extent relying on processed foods. Eating real food requires time and energy and a kitchen. Anyway, it it amazing to see the difference in myself...sleeping in my own bed, cooking healthy food every day. When this pandemic is over and I start travelling again, I really wonder how I can take this on the road....
Originally posted here:

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