Monday, December 2, 2019

Natural Healthy Drink: Coconut Juice
Demand for natural healthy drinks is increasing day by day across the world. Coconut juice or say coconut milk has made its way into healthy drinks. Since coconut milk is obtained by squeezing coconut pulp, all the nutritious and healthy properties contained in coconut are also contained in coconut milk. The amount of coconut milk that is obtained by squeezing water into grated coconut kernel varies according to the amount of water. It is also known as coconut juice. [Source](!_The_Coconut_Drink!_(8717285742).jpg)
Coconut milk is used for making dishes, sweets and soups, it is also used for drinking. It can also be used instead of milk in tea, coffee etc. Coconut milk is used by vegetarian people especially those who have allergies to animal milk. It can also be used for mixing fruit juices. Coconut milk is produced in various flavors as a nutritious and beneficial drink. Unlike animal milk, coconut milk does not contain lactose. Therefore lactose intolerant people can also use this. 9 to 10 months of raw coconut is used to make flavored coconut milk. The milk obtained from this coconut is more thick and the amount of fat in it is also less. To increase the nutritional value of coconut milk, coconut water is also added to it. ## Nutritional Properties of Coconut Juice Coconut milk contains medium chain saturated fat. It contains 50% salivary acid. Salic acid becomes monolarin in the human body. Monolarin has antiviral, antibacterial, and fungicidal properties. [Source](
Therefore, the use of coconut milk can prevent outbreaks of viruses and bacteria and increases immunity. Salic acid also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing the risk of heart disease and paralysis. Salic acid is found in natural nominal dietary materials. Therefore, by using coconut milk regularly, the body gets the salubrious properties of salivary acid. The medium chain fatty acids contained in coconut milk do not accumulate in the body. Instead of this, such fatty acids provide instant energy to the body especially the cells. That is why coconut milk is beneficial in reducing obesity and in the state of insulin resistance. Apart from these fatty acids, coconut milk also has essential nutritional elements, which have many health benefits. ## Vitamins and minerals Coconut milk is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It contains many vitamins of vitamin C, E, K, D and B group. Vitamin C and E increase the body's immunity. Vitamin B provides energy to the cells. Coconut milk contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron in large amounts. Magnesium keeps the heartbeat regular and the pulse formula also works properly.


Phosphorus makes teeth and bones strong. A person gets 22% of the recommended iron per day from coconut milk and it plays a big role in the formation of red blood cells. Drinking coconut milk is beneficial in iron deficiency anemia. Apart from these, calcium, zinc etc. are also present in sufficient quantity in this. ## Antioxidants Coconut milk is rich in antioxidants, which protects the body from dangerous free radicals and their harmful effects on cells and tissues. Free radicals are at risk of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's etc. Coconut milk contains all the ingredients like acid phosphate, catalase, dehydrogenase, paroxidase, to increase digestion and absorption of nutrients. This whole drink can be given functional food status. In this way, drinking coconut juice rich in many qualities daily is very useful for health.
Originally posted here:

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