Wednesday, December 25, 2019

LOTUS IS FOR..... [Plus, a Job Offer!]
What an exciting year it's been! We've enjoyed supporting a wide variety of natural healing modalities this year, and we thought we'd sum them up in a celebratory post, reminding you of how the *breadth* and *depth* of natural healing content we support on Steem. It's funny looking back at the thumbnails and seeing how our 'look' has changed over the year - thanks to @frejafri for the new LOTUS image, and @crimsonclad for rendering it in clean lines for a digital graphic we can use on all our media. We totally love it!

with gratitude.png

Here are the links to all the posts we've written to outline the kind of natural healing content that Natural Medicine supports! [Lotus for Vegans](v) by @plantstoplanks [Lotus for Scientists]( by @alchemage [Lotus for Wild Folk]() by @nateonsteemit [Lotus for Homesteaders]() by @nateonsteemit [Lotus for Herb Lovers]() by @riverflows [Lotus for Meditators]( by @riverflows Coming in the series & editorial jobs to fill. Get in quick - they'll be written fast! Proficient English speakers and writers only please. [Lotus for Cannabis]() [Lotus for Yogis]() [Lotus for Tarot & Astrologers]() [Lotus for TCM]() [Lotus for Healthy Food Lovers]() What have we missed? What should we include? If you'd like to write a 'Lotus is for' post, and earn Steem rewards for your work (you'll recieve a percentage of the post payout, plus LOTUS tokens), pop into our Discord and have a chat! We're seeking writers that can contribute to the team and help us grow whilst creating abundance for Steemians by providing opportunity for our delegators and supporters to contribute to the LOTUS ecosystem. Come join in the fun! # You should write about: - An exploration of how this topic falls into the 'natural healing' theme and/or - An exploration of the topic/modality itself - Why the #naturalmedicine tag suits this kind of post *Basically, if you read any of the posts under the 'Welcome' pages of you'll have an idea of what we're looking for!*


#### Oh, and if you're wondering what tags to curate? Our curators look at most of these tags and much more! Check out for a full list of supported tags. |naturalmedicine|health|healing|yoga| |-|-|-|-| |spirituality|herbalism|homesteading|innerblocks |vegan|meditation|wellness|cbd |qi gong|keto|tai chi|herbs ##### Thinking about writing a #naturalmedicine post this week? We have upvotes to burn and will resteem the best of you to nearly 1,000 followers! Go you! We're also resteeming on our @uplotus account, so go give that a follow too! That's the one where you'll see the LOTUS rewards. #### All the curation and author rewards in LOTUS for this post will be burnt to help the ecosystem.


###### We need YOU! Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. The minimum entry for membership is 20SP (free for members under 150SP), and helps give YOU upvotes, contests, meditation sessions, an awesome discord support group, and so much more! [50SP]([100SP]([200]([300SP]([500SP]([1000SP](


Originally posted here:

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