Monday, December 30, 2019

How does the body change when it stops eating meat?
Regardless of the reason you stop eating meat, certain changes will occur in your body that are beneficial to your health. Here are 8 changes in the body when the skin stops eating animals: 1 - body weight falls Red meat is high in calories, so avoiding red meat from your diet will help you reduce your calorie intake. Most red meats provide more protein than your body needs. When we replace this protein with other sources of protein substitute, it still makes us feel full and easier to digest.

2 - the level of acid in the body drops To stay healthy, our body needs a pH balance. Red meat, white flour, coffee and soda are products that create a high level of acid, which is absorbed by the body, and then should neutralize it. High levels of acid in the body are an ideal environment for disease; Along with stress, poor sleep is the cause of our reduced resistance to high-risk diseases (such as cancer). High acid foods should be neutralized with fruits and vegetables. 3 - Less belly The body metabolizes red meat more slowly than other foods. Many people may experience constipation, abdominal pain, bloating after eating beef or red meat for dinner. You may have an upset stomach after eating red meat. In the long run, when you stop eating red meat, eating a lot of foods high in fiber will contain more beneficial bacteria in your gut, reduce the spread of inflammation in your body, and help you feel “easier.” 4 - skin improved The skin is cleaner inside when you don’t eat a lot of red meat. Instead, the body is supplied with plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins A, C, and E to help combat harmful free radicals. Constipation can result from unstable digestion caused by eating red meat, causing skin problems and causing darkening of the skin. Limiting and eliminating red meat will help facilitate the work of other organs, such as the liver and kidneys, which are responsible for filtering and cleansing the body. 5 - Cholesterol level drops Cutting back and eliminating red meat from the diet will help reduce saturated fat intake, which causes high cholesterol. Ideally, less than 7% of calories from fat should be consumed daily to maintain balance and reduce the risk of high cholesterol, which causes plaque formation in artery walls. The formation of this plaque in the artery wall will increase the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, peripheral artery disease ... In addition to high cholesterol due to genetic factors, cutting and eliminating red meat will help regulate cholesterol levels at a healthy level. 6 - Reduces the risk of cancer Stopping eating beef can help prevent bowel cancer or colon cancer. A diet high in saturated fat is linked to an inflammatory level in the body, and chronic inflammation will develop cancer. In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed red meat as a food group that increases cancer risk 7 - Reducing some dangerous diseases Many trials have shown that replacing red meat with other healthier foods may help reduce a number of illnesses such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and stomach cancer. 8 - You will have more energy Studies show that eating red meat can increase estrogen levels, causing hormonal imbalances that lead to energy depletion. We need a healthy heart, a healthy digestive system, a healthy body and mind but eating red meat prolongs the digestive time, requiring the body to use more energy during digestion. So the body consumes both energy and no rest. For many people with poor absorption, eating red meat can cause irritable bowel syndrome, excess stomach acid, poor nutritional balance and the aforementioned health instability. On the other hand, being vegetarian or occasionally eating fish instead of red meat increases your energy levels, helping you feel better. The complete elimination of red meat from the diet can cause the body to lack some nutrients such as B vitamins (vitamin B12), iron, magnesium. However, you can completely replenish the missing nutrients by not eating red meat with foods such as tofu, soy products, cheese, eggs, vegetables, fruits or other foods. Other forms of multivitamins
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