Monday, December 23, 2019

Want to get sick less? Take a cold shower everyday!
Watch this video for a longer explanation for what I’m going to summarize here as one of the best simple tips for not only improving health but for helping basically every function of the body and mind. ## Immune health Studies have shown that [People are less likely to call in sick]( when taking 30, 60, or 90 second cold showers daily. One of the reasons for this is an [increase in white blood cells]( which help protect the body from sickness. The fact is that as humans become less stressed physically the body gets complacent and the immune system can quite literally become lazy. We live in a time when our indoor temperatures are tightly controlled, we have ready access to warm clothing and we rarely have to sit shivering in the cold. Wim Hoff proposes that by testing the body via cold showers and being in cold temperatures period can increase the body’s **adaptability to external stressors** which keeps our immune system strong. This would make perfect sense as it correlates with the tendency for humans to keep hyper-sanitized areas of operation for fear of germs, bacteria and viruses. This lack of immune stimulation contributes to the same problem as our cozy quarters. While instinct necessitates that we strive to keep our basic needs met in terms of a safe and clean environment, overdoing it and lacking “exercise” for the body’s adaptive systems could be a huge factor as to why so many people are constantly sick. ## Breathing


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash Along with a healthy immune system due to external (healthy) stressors, breathing is a complimentary factor in keeping our bodies healthy and [improving immune function]( Many people breathe shallowly throughout the day which can cause acidity in the body. This is because our bodies are constantly necessitating breathing to get rid of **carbon dioxide** in order to remove **lactic acid** from the body. What happens when you get a big ol’ serving of cold, as in a sudden blasting cold shower? You gasp, and you inhale deeply. This is an automatic response. This type of deep breathing helps to alkalize the body and can be done at any time, anywhere. In fact it is a key factor in the Wim Hoff method (explained in the video). Deep breathing like this should be focused upon, meditated on and if possible replicated throughout the day whenever possible. With practice, anyone can control their breathing at any time, regardless of the situation. Deep, controlled, full exhalation breathing. It helps to remove toxins, increase the metabolism (aiding in fat loss), reduce stress, increase focus and also **boost the immune system** which leads to better overall health! ## The ability to handle stress If you take a cold shower everyday, slowly increasing the time that you allow yourself to submerge in the cold, you will notice without a doubt that it gets easier and easier. I found that after several days straight on the program I was able to spend several minutes in the coldest water possible, and eventually I could reach a meditative state where the water no longer “felt” cold. This is an indication that my body was not entering into the usual **shock and awe** response to extreme cold. This ability allows people to receive more external stressors without being “triggered” by them and going into anxious attacks. This is a complex phenomenon involving the [insula[( in the brain. In anxious and PTSD suffering individuals there is an overactive insula leading to a “loss of control” of situations and life in general i.e. severe anxiety. Cold showers and immersion repeated along with controlled breathing techniques like the Wim Hoff method will reduce anterior insula activity and create a [meditative state]( which creates a feeling of **calm, relaxed control of life**. Sounds like a fix to anxiety to me. ## Overview Cold showers themselves are not some sort of life-hack, although they can lead to many positive changes in different areas. However, the effects of the cold stimulus on the body can help to kick-start a deeper understanding of how to control anxiety, stress and more importantly the immune system which gives us life’s greatest gift which is **health**. They help to create stronger focus by literally waking up the nervous system do to the stimulus. The body is better able to handle physical stress. Breathing is auto-regulated by repeated cold exposure naturally, helping us to be aware of our breathing techniques and optimizing them as needed. Focusing on controlled breathing during the cold shower is one way to do this. Extending it throughout the day amplifies the benefits ten fold. The idea fits into a success principle of never staying too comfortable. New experiences and stimuli help people grow physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. This helps in all areas of life and can also help overcome anxiety and depression. Getting out of the comfort zone is a key to health in any area of life. So next time you’re in the shower and you feel so warm and cozy and you’re about to turn the knob off and grab the towel, do yourself and your immune system a favor: turn that knob all the way to the coldest possible and bask in the cold glory for at least half a minute. While you might hate it at first, you’ll love the results, I guarantee it.


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash *Leave a comment below about how cold showers help you or any other information on how to improve breathing and the immune system. It would be greatly appreciated! And follow me @zydane for daily fitness, health and personal growth tips, coming at you relentlessly, on a mission for optimal health for everyone!*
Originally posted here:

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