Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Actifit Report Card: December 25 2019
### πŸ™‹‍♂️Hello Family! Hope you are happy and Healthy. ## "Your Current Behavior reflects your Future." ####

#### Being Angry & Aggressive with your kids on little stuffs would lead to very negative consequences. They won't feel Happy and better when you are near them and when you become old then you will need them very much for your support but they won't care about you because they will act rebelious. Same is the case with Childrens. Give proper love, care and respect to your Old parents because your children do not say anything but they are learning these behaviors and they will do these kind of behaviors with you later on when you get old. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Thanks For Stopping By. ### Stay happy & blessed [


# 😍Peace out😍

Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking

Originally posted here:

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