Tuesday, December 17, 2019

If you think the food is bad wait until you hear about biosludge

## What is biosludge and why it matters to everyone's health


Image courtesy of biosludge.news  Many people have their suspicions about the role the EPA actually plays in terms of looking out for human evironmental health, of which they play no role whatsoever.  Biosludge or biosolids are the second component that wastwater breaks into at treatment plants. Sewage goes in and is broken down to these different components. Waste water finds its way to larger water bodies, and biosludge, the physical human waste is often times shipped all over the country and encouraged as a natural, even organic fertilizer. This saves different entities financially, which is of course the real reason human fecal matter is simply sold back to the species. Wastewater treatment facilities don't have to pay for the expensive thermal treatment of the biosolids and agricultural giants can profit off the human shit that has been sold back to the consumers. If the financial incentives were the worst of it we could chalk this mishap up to a loss and get something done about it. That however does not address the actual idea of health consequences, which are *fairly terrible*. As in shockingly bad. There are an estimated 80,000 different chemicals in existence today that find their way to wastewater treatment plants most the time because these chemicals take a long time breakdown. Think of all the crap that is ingested by a human, goes through *their* whole body first, and then is secreted into a toilet or in some way gets into the sewage system. Water treatment plants [cannot treat this plastic, drug based waste.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/only-half-of-drugs-removed-by-sewage-treatment/). In 2014 according to the CDC over 5 billion pharmaceutical prescriptions were filed in the U.S. alone. Think of all these drugs floating in our water supply, still active to some extent. Psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, heart disease meds, antibiotics, statins, painkillers, and that’s just the drugs. Micro plastics and endocrine disrupting molecules end up in this slew of waste. The second part of this disgusting spectacle is how the biomatter, that is the *solid* state of waste, is dehydrated and sent around the country to be used as fertilizer. Mike Adam’s excellent documentary here explains everything that I’m breaking down in this article: http://www.brighteonfilms.com/Biosludged/ There are also living pathogens in these bags of essentially human waste, including bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. People are often times handling this fertilizer and using it in home gardens. But it is very popular with [larger farming operations](https://modernfarmer.com/2014/07/stink-human-poop-fertilizer/) Now of course there is industry pushback to this frankly disgusting and unchecked practice. Claims are made that “humans have been recycling their own waste for thousands of years” which I’m certain is true. However thousands of years ago our diet was virtually devoid of any artificial chemicals and billions of prescription drugs as well as plastics so the two situations could hardly be reconciled. This Guardian article used the term “[most pollutant containing man-made compound on earth”?](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/05/biosolids-toxic-chemicals-pollution). Adams owns his own lab where he actually tests foods and matter for at least an expanded look at just many individual toxins and carcinogens people are depositing directly onto public food supplies. Two of the brands he tested (named in the documentary) showed traces of 2,000 and 3,600 individual chemicals per brand. Again spotted conspicuously were many, many different pharmaceutical drugs including a rare blood pressure medication which could potentially cause serious harm if they are ingesting these medicines. And this behavior is accepted gleefully by all parties involved; everyone gets a cut. Well, except the poor people that have to eat food grown by this toxic, poisonous biosoil. But the EPA looks like they’re doing their job so some back room deals will keep this biosludge information in the dark. All in the name of “environmentalism” of course. Inustrial farmers get admittedly cheaper (and less healthy) fertilizer. Water treatment facilities and their industry friends get to turn a profit and the amount of actual displacing and removal of this horrible biosludge is reduced. If there is useful information out of all this criminal activity it is that like usual, we have to take control of our health and have a conscious understanding of what is going into our food at every step through the production cycle. Obviously, growing your own food and knowing exactly what the fertilizer is is paramount. High quality water filters like a Berkey can remove essentially everything that we described above. Don’t drink out of the tap if you can avoid it. I have railed for years at nutrition clients to stop buying cheap meats and low quality dairy products. One reason for this is because I have been aware of these problems from beginning to end with low quality farming techniques. I don’t blame the farmers, they have a tough job, and the government doesn’t help them. But this low cost meat and dairy is full of these contaminants. Organic grass fed beef at least points us in the right direction. Just slowly changing small decisions seems to work best. Don’t feel like you need to create a hermetically sealed nutrition plan that avoids every negative aspect of the food supply. This can lead to lots of frustration because there are so many holes and gaps to fill for the average person! Slowly cut out or improve the quality of your meats. Make a sustained effort to get organic fruits and produce. And remember that the food is no better than its environment, which starts in the soil. Find out what sort of fertilizer is being used.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/health/@zydane/if-you-think-the-food-is-bad-wait-until-you-hear-about-biosludge

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