Tuesday, December 17, 2019

One Mom of Two, Learning How to Live a Loving Human Life


Roll on the ground.jpg

Hi. I am Bia Birch, one mom of two, learning how to live a loving human life. Like so many, I am on a journey of discovery. For me, the first crack in the facade began with the pregnancy of my first little seedling. I wanted to be sure I did everything right. But I couldn’t figure out what *right* was. I lived all of the traditional American values, doing and buying and saying what was expected of me. But I didn’t actually *believe* it. Deep in my gut, I knew there was a better way to do life, and this new life growing inside of me became my reason for rebellion. We all have some catalyst that causes us to question our thoughts and actions. And, if it happens when we are open to it, this catalyst can create a journey of change like the [fractals of a mandelbrot zoom](https://steemit.com/mathematics/@udbarflower/deepest-mandelbrot-set-zoom-animation-ever-a-new-record-10-275-2-1e275-or-2-915)* with one point merging into another array of areas to explore. Layer after layer of realizations lead me to discover [Caroline Myss](https://www.myss.com/) and her book, *Self-Esteem: Your Fundamental Power*. I finally grasped the understanding that, “At the end of the day, the greatest gift you can give the world is a healthy you.” I am my own healthy Self as an artist, a nature child, and a hedonist. I will share what brings me joy with you.

Painting on dock (1).jpg

In our current blip on the timeline of infinity, I believe it is essential to live by the wisdom of [Anna Lappe](https://annalappe.com/), understanding that, “Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want, (*O Magazine*, June 2003). I am a mother, a homemaker and a healer. I have chosen to put my money (and time and energy and thoughts) where my beliefs are, to create a home and raise a family with peace and love, and outside of the *normal* expectations. I will share my alternative choices with you.

Mom and boys on porch (1).jpg

And because words have power too, I surround myself with inspiration to keep growing and learning how to live a loving human life. I am a learner and a teacher. I am a reader and a writer. I will share my insights with you.


**I am grateful to find a place with rich soil to grow a community. May we take root, and flourish together.** **@Bia.Birch** **All artwork, photographs, and content are original and created by @bia.birch unless otherwise credited** “Roll on the Ground” photograph and words credit to @bia.birch. Framed print design credit to [The Oysters Pearl Design](https://theoysterspearldesign.com/). *Thanks @udbarflower for this cool post!
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@bia.birch/seedling-one-mom-of-two-learning-how-to-live-a-loving-human-life-seedling

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